IOS 14 WiFi

Anyone experiencing issues with IOS 14 and wifi connectivity?
Yes! It has to do with the new 14.4 IOS update, I tried to verify the update and every time is says “ You cannot verify because you are no longer connected to the internet” I do not understand this because I am on a strong internet connection, I have refreshed about everything, and because of this, My cellular dat doesn’t work and it is cashing many problems. I don’t know if cellular has to do with the new update, but I am very frustrated and can rarely use my phone. I also do not know if calling other people was a bug fix but anyway I cannot use it. Please help anybody, My phone is basically unusable and that is making things a lot harder.
My Apps are not connecting to Internet even though my wifi and internet connection are good.. my other android phones are getting connection but when I opened safari AppStore or YouTube or any app which requires Internet don’t get internet access and saying offline.. I can’t even update my iOS version as it show no connection
Whatever you fixed in iOS 14.x regarding WiFi please fix again. It wasn’t broke in the last update. Why break it again???? It doesn’t make common sense!!! Using WiFi is becoming a challenge. Keeps dropping. Says no internet connection but other devices are fine. Windows abs Android. Come on Apple. Sort this out. An incremental fix is needed pronto.
After upgrading my iPad 12.9 to 14.4 it had stopped recognizing the Internet. I had read about the use of Private address for your WiFi connections. With the iPad I have several VPNs installed for when I travel outside my home. Turing off the VPN solved this problem. Since the VPN did my see my address it block access to the internet. I tried this on my iPhone 11 and can duplicate this outcome.

Hope this helps....
Yes. Wifi constantly disconnects.
Same issue here. Please Apple HELP !
Recently updated to ios 14.4 and since 2 days ago my wifi drops a lot. Have reset my network setting many times, tried reset all setting, I have no vpns, and tried the private address trick still nothing. Apple needs to fix this and just add a patch instead of being quiet on this issue.
Model: iPhone 8 plus
IOS: The latest

I am having the same issue. Especially, when I am on video calls, audio calls (via wifi), whatsapp, facetime etc... whenever I use any of them, my wifi connection drops off of my iPhone, and continues on the LTE.
I reset my network settings, and I don't use VPN or any other protocols.
This is always an issue with iPhones for the past 3-4 years. So annoying... Apple, please fix this and make wifi connection feature stable.
it is 2021...****... :)
Updated to 14.4 overnight and now my iPhone 11 won’t connect to wifi at all. Tried every fix - turning wifi and iPhone off and on, reset network settings, hard reset phone. These updates are getting worse and worse. Apple needs to get it together.
I am having the same issue, and I believe I figure out the solution. Need few hours to verify!

there seems to be a setting on the wireless connection “private address”, this settings keeps changing the MAC address of the phone causing a new DHCP reservation.

In my specific situation my router logs show a long list of devices that registered themself as iPhones, each with its own MAC address.

A new DHCP registration is shown about every 5-10 min until the router runs out of IPs, the issue is worse when you have multiple iPhones.

who at apple thought this would be a good default setting to enable. I get the whole privacy setting, but perhaps a single MAC address per ssid would be more than enough.
Having same issues, after updating, wifi drops after phone being idle, then when I try to connect manually it tells me I entered incorrect password. Might be a coincidence but it seems to be effecting other apple products, my homepod keeps telling me it's having trouble connecting to the internet even though its in the same room as my router. Had to remove it from the home app then that led to me having to delete my entire Home because it wouldn't find my homepod after that.
Update: after disabling “Private address” option on the wifi connection settings, and waiting 24 hours for the DHCP leases to expire from my network wireless connection seems stable today.
I have updated my iPhone to 14.4 now I am facing sever internet issue like WiFi network is dropping and also cellular internet can not even browse something
Apple kindly get rid of this issue
I’m having the same problem ever since I download iOS 14 now I can’t go on my wi fi my computer is on,my tablet is on ,but not my phone when I logged in it shows I’m on but the phone is not using it
I’m having the same issue. After installing iOS 14, my iPhone show a strong connection to the router but my phone is unable to use the connection. I’ve had to use data only to access websites.
I think I figured outa way to make mine work guys
go into you’re settings then then go to youre WiFi
scroll down configure dns you’ll see you’re regular 192. Number then you’ll see other number starts with 260 set it to manual and delete that number you’re WiFi should activate instantly let me know if that works guys
Im having wifi drops constantly which is definitely annoying, i have been with Samsung for probably 10 yrs never had issues really but my Note 8 took a toll but was blessed enough to get a iPhone Xr from a friend who upgraded to thr 12 and was like damn your note is that bad now so she gave me the Xr lol I definitely like iphone and it didnt take me long to get use to it but this wifi problem we're all having is really annoying.
I can confirm that the first 14.5 beta does NOT fix the WiFi dropping issue. So utterly disappointed.

Lots of different issues in this thread. The specific issue I’m having is the WiFi dropping issue. Our iPhones and iPads will disconnect from WiFi if left idle. As a result personalized HomePod requests don’t work, iPads receive no new data for notifications (think iMessage, emails, etc), and iPhones resort to 100% cellular data. When the device is picked up and unlocked it doesn’t connect back to WiFi on its own and so you have to manually go into settings and tap on the network. Of course my kids don’t do this on their iPhones so they continue to use cellular data even though there is strong WiFi available in the house. As a family our cellular data usage has doubled.

I’ve tried every “fix” and workaround in this thread and nothing works. Even retired my AirPort Extreme routers and bought a new eero pro 6 mesh setup and still the same thing.

None of my non-Apple devices have this issue.
My iphone 12 mini has the same problem, wifi and celular are not working sometimes and the only way is to disable and enable them back! This is so annoying ..guess I have to return it and change to something more reliable...
Starting having this problem on 14.2 two days ago and figured it was because iOS needed to be updated, so have been trying nonstop but cant connect to wifi long enough to get it done.
Tried the trick of turning off private connection, no dice. I got a couple of the devices to update by making a hotspot from my cellular from phone (burning my data). But cant get the other two to work. I am not a computer programmer so have no idea how to manually set DNS as some others have suggested. The whole reason I have Apple products is because they are (usually) more intuitive to use than Windows.

It's now snowing buckets and the kids have a 5 day school break, and now we have no devices. Thanks a lot, Apple.
I dont care about all the bells and whistles you added to this update--I will never use them. But I work remotely and my kids use their devices for distance learning, so the entire reason we have these devices involves connecting to WiFi, and you have now made that impossible. Epic fail!
This morning the WiFi connectivity problem had spread from iPhones and iPads, which couldnt connect at all (but could connect using a phone personal hotpost from cellular sourced data), to our Macbooks, which could connect to a few websites but not all (error server not found on Safari or site unreachable on Chrome).
I phoned Apple and eventually determined that the phones and Ipads had self assigned IPs (the laptops didnt). They told me to phone my ISP and get them to refresh the modem remotely (we had already tried that multiple times at home with no effect. Also tried all the suggested fixes on this thread: "Forget this network" and re-joining, toggling airplane mode on/off, turning off "private connection"--all with no impact). After the IPs were reset by the ISP, problem was solved on all devices.

I still dont know if this problem originated with the ISP or was an Apple software update issue--but I find it odd that it happened precisely when all our devices updated (Big Sur 11.1 and iOS 14.4).
But anyway click the (i) by your wireless connection and see if the IP address starts with 169.254. If it does, it is self assigned (no idea why or why that matters) so try calling your ISP and asking for a refresh.
Good luck. Literally a full 2 days of my life that I will never get back working on this.
I can confirm that the second 14.5 beta does NOT fix the WiFi dropping issue. So utterly disappointed.

Lots of different issues in this thread. The specific issue I’m having is the WiFi dropping issue. Our iPhones and iPads will disconnect from WiFi if left idle. As a result personalized HomePod requests don’t work, iPads receive no new data for notifications (think iMessage, emails, etc), and iPhones resort to 100% cellular data. When the device is picked up and unlocked it doesn’t connect back to WiFi on its own and so you have to manually go into settings and tap on the network. Of course my kids don’t do this on their iPhones so they continue to use cellular data even though there is strong WiFi available in the house. As a family our cellular data usage has doubled.

I’ve tried every “fix” and workaround in this thread and nothing works. Even retired my AirPort Extreme routers and bought a new eero pro 6 mesh setup and still the same thing.

None of my non-Apple devices have this issue.
I also have the same issue! It's even a problem when I was close to the router. But doesn't have any problem with my mac wifi connection.
Have been having these problems ever since upgrading my iPad Air 2 to iOS14. Lots of people with older devices are. Not one single solution anywhere online works. The issue is that the wifi is connected and shows a signal and I can connect to my router and home network, but for some reason it is not allowing throughput to the internet connection. This is ON PURPOSE by Apple. If I Turn off wifi and back on and it is fine for five minutes. This happens regardless of the router or hotspot. It is not to do with the router at all. I even changed my router for a new one. IPad was working perfectly before iOS14. Have reinstalled ios, restarted, changed all the settings etc. It is planned obsolescence. Apple have obviously decided that it is time owners of older devices upgraded. Well guess what, Apple, I will be switching to a £150 no name tablet.
Same issues.
IOS 14 WiFi