IOS 14 WiFi

Anyone experiencing issues with IOS 14 and wifi connectivity?

When I tried to set Key Regeneration timing interval in my Asus router to 0, both iPhone and iPad seem to work fine. But both Samsung TV can't connect to WiFi anymore, or connect but can't access Internet. Now I have to set the interval back to 3600, and apple WiFi problems come back.

Since updating my iphone and ipad to ios 14.6, both have had intermittent internet connectivity issues. Both will say they are connected to the wifi, but I can’t access the internet. It disconnects in the middle of streaming. It is NOT an issue with my home wifi. My husband’s phone (not an iPhone) is just fine. All other electronics in our home are connecting just fine to the wifi with full internet access. Essentially to use my iphone or ipad, I have to turn off wifi. What is the fix? My battery has also been draining, but I don’t know if that is because I am using my devices without wifi, or if another glitch with the Apple update. Apple - You need to fix this. Unacceptable! Does anyone know a fix? I have rebooted both devices. I have deleted the wifi from the device, rebooted, then reconnected the wifi. Nothing has worked. I have seen suggestions to reboot my home wifi. Not an acceptable resolution. Then every device in my home (there are many) would have to be reconnected.

Also having the same problem iOS 14.6 killed wifi with my asus RT-5300 and iPad 8th generation. I have never had problems on iOS 13 with WiFi. All these problems started with IOS 14. I had to return an iPad Pro because of the same problem.

Since yesterday morning, I have issues with WIFI on my iPhone 11 with iOS 14.6

I can connect to the Wifi but I don't get the wifi icon at the top of the display and most applications claim "No internet Access". Despite this, some things load correctly, probably via 4G. So text works fine for example in messenger, but not pictures. I have rebooted the phone, I have done a couple of HW resets and I have done a reset of the network settings. No change. I have tried two different wifi networks, so it is not router related (different types of routers). Other equipment including my Macbook and my iPad as well as the rest of the family has no issues, only my iPhone 11. As there is no shell available in iOS, it's hard to find out what is really going on. Any suggestions, or do I need to backup to my computer and make a factory reset and if that doesn't help, take it in for repair ??


To add a bit more - Apple CarPlay have also stopped working. One last resort before going to the repair shop was to erase the phone and then install an older backup from the computer. Turned out to be a bit hard, as it tries to connect to apple to remove it from my account, and as the network isn't working, the erase procedure fails with "Verification failed".

Disable Group Key Interval.

Your router model looks like this example where it is enabled by default in the Asus Routers.

1 year has passed. iOS 15 is out, and the issue still hasn’t been resolved. I’ve totally lost faith in apple. The suggestion about key interval doesn’t apply to me because my router doesn’t even have that setting option.

After a recent update I could not use my iPad with WiFi. Long story short my simple fix was to turn off my vpn

This specific issue is not related to having a VPN, many of those who have commented mentioned they are not using a VPN. Waiting to see if ios 15.1 will resolve the issue as the patch contains a bug fix for “ipad not finding available wifi networks.”

I have been trying to solve this issue for awhile myself now, which recently became a major headache, as I lost all internet connectivity through wifi as many have explained above. iPhone 12pro running 15.1 shows connected to network, but also says no internet connection. Other devices connected are working fine, but phone is intermittent (very generous description). It also appears my 5G is being impacted when I disable wifi ( most of last week). I have worked with Apple support online and in store for 20+ hours as well as Xfinity in an effort to try and isolate the problem and come up with a solution ( I had not seen this thread unfortunately and was working as though I was the first person dealing with an isolated problem). I was told by tech in Apple store that there was a known bug involving data corruption that caused the issue, so we rebuilt my backup and wiped the phone and started fresh. It didn't work. I have also done a factory refresh clean install and leave all apps and data off the phone, but it still didn't work. I then replaced the phone and restored to backup done shortly before I wiped the phone and it worked for several hours and then failed again. Clearly this is a known issue that has been going on for at least a year now and based on the number of folks following this (ones that happened upon it like me - at least 57k ) it is not an isolated event impacting a few folks. This is something Apple need to address! I have a lot of hours invested in this and the impact this is having on me is real. If it cannot be fixed, let us know so we can adapt/change phones, platforms, software ... I am curious if anyone using the new 13pro is having this issue??

Similar-sounding problem on my iPhone 13 Pro Max; iOS 15.2: no beta versions. The problem that has persisted since September, at least.

When browsing the web, Safari occasionally will return ‘cannot load page; not connected to the Internet‘. Seems to occur at random times. WiFi is strong and stable.

Hitting refresh will cause the page to load normally, but that is such a kludgy fix, and it is annoying.

It happens most frequently with my Linksys router, but also on an Eero 6 mesh network. It also has happened on an older Apple airport that I turn on occasionally. No hard data on the airport, but my perception is that it happens less often on the Airport.

The airport WPA group key interval is set to 60 minutes; which is the default. The Eero GTK interval is set to 3600 seconds. I don’t remember seeing either in the Linksys interface; the router is a few years old, and I am older, so I may have missed it. From a network security perspective, though, setting the interval to zero sounds like the wrong way to fix this (haven’t tried that and don’t plan to)

I’ve been experiencing the same problems. Sometimes I can get it to work by toggling the Wi-Fi in the settings. But it doesn’t always work

IOS 14 WiFi