How to correctly deactivate Testflight for App transfer


I would like to initiate an App transfer for one of my Apps. When I click the "Transfer App" button I get a message telling me that one criteria is not met: “You must turn off TestFlight beta testing for the app that you want to transfer”. I turned off Testflight by checking the checkbox "Not Available for Testing" for Internal and External testers. Unfortunately I still get the same critertia not met message.

After a google search I found out that I might have encountered this bug:

Does anybody have a solution for this? Since the discussion was started already on Oct 2nd and there is still no real workaround/answer for it I am not sure if I didn't miss something else when turning off Testflight.

Is there anything else to do besides setting Internal and External testing to "Not Available for Testing" or is this indeed a bug in iTunes Connect which hasn't been fixed for over 2 months now?


Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of domhof Down vote post of domhof


2021 and same problem. Apple he makes fun of us! Thanks apple for supporting the developers!

Apart from making sure that all your TestFlight builds are expired, and removing the test information associated with the builds, please make sure to remove all testers as well under TestFlight -> All Testers. Click "Edit", select all of them, and click "Delete".

I hope this helps!

I had to call Apple Support for this but the fix was simple in the end!

What you need to do is make sure you delete all of your testers and any test information. Once you clear out all of that and hit save, it should allow you to make any App Transfers.

  • In TestFlight, I have deleted all testers and groups, and also I have deleted the information under "Information for tests", but I'm unable to find out how to delete the compilations. All they are expired but in the check list the TestFlight is still marked in grey.

    OK, forget my comment, I have found the issue, I had a field filled but with a very small information so I couldn't see it before.

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Clear Contact name and other information from Testing Information page and then click save. Thats it

I solved this problem by deleting all test users and expiring all pending test flight iOS compilations.

I think this is actually what Apple is asking us to do, but it's not as clear when looking at it at first time.

The last thing I did was expiring the iOS compilations. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots available because the compilations disappeared from the screen after the app transfer was successful, but just make sure you expire all pending test flight iOS compilations and hopefully Testflight will be listed as checked on the checklist for your app transfer.

Good luck.

Best Regards,

Ulysses Alves

Thank you all for commenting here, looks like I've found the solution.

Make sure to remove all the users' access to the app you are going to transfer on the Users and Access page (

  1. Open
  2. Filter by the app that you're going to transfer
  3. Look for users that have access to the app (other than users with "All Apps" access)
  4. Remove the access to this app for such users.

Note: admins and other users that have "All Apps" access may retain their access to the app that you're transferring.

Note 2: Don't forget to expire all the TestFlight builds and delete all the Test Groups in Testflight.

After that, try initiating the app transfer process once again.

Good luck!

I solved it by adding text into each field, saving and then removing them. It was either "License Agreement" or "Sign-in required" that solved it.

What annoys me is that even though I was in contact with apple, their support acted like the issue was on my side. This thread inspired my to try to clean all fields again

  • I too solved it by adding text into each field, saving and then removing them. It was either "License Agreement" or "Sign-in required" that solved it.

    Sent this info to Apple while I was on the phone, hopefully they fix the bug.

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For deleting the builds, at first I deleted the internal and external test groups thinking that was enough and this operation will cascade and expire all builds, but that didn't work.

Then I had to create a new group for the builds to appear, open each build, clear the Test Information section for that build, then expire the build. I had a lot of active builds so the process was tedious.

I think Apple can improve the experience here by adding a single button that clears and expires all the builds right inside the Transfer App criteria checklist.