




AppGroup data of offloaded apps lost after restoring from iCloud backup
I was able to reproduce this with our own app as well as with apps by other developers (e.g. Documents by Readdle).Our app stores its data in the app group:Foundation.FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: AppGroupConstants.appGroupIdentifier).appendingPathComponent("File Provider Storage", isDirectory: true)!.appendingPathComponent("Media", isDirectory: true)1) Install the app from the App Store2) Add some data3) Manually offload the app (Settings -> General -> iPhone/iPad Storage -> *App Name* -> Offload App)4) Backup device to iCloud5) Reset device (Settings -> General -> Erase All Content and Settings)6) Restore device from iCloud Backup (this is important - it works with iTunes backups)7) Open the app. Because it was offloaded it gets downloaded at this point but the app group data is NOT restored.This looks like a serious bug to me.Can someone confirm this?
Jan ’18
How to correctly deactivate Testflight for App transfer
Hello!I would like to initiate an App transfer for one of my Apps. When I click the "Transfer App" button I get a message telling me that one criteria is not met: “You must turn off TestFlight beta testing for the app that you want to transfer”. I turned off Testflight by checking the checkbox "Not Available for Testing" for Internal and External testers. Unfortunately I still get the same critertia not met message.After a google search I found out that I might have encountered this bug: anybody have a solution for this? Since the discussion was started already on Oct 2nd and there is still no real workaround/answer for it I am not sure if I didn't miss something else when turning off Testflight.Is there anything else to do besides setting Internal and External testing to "Not Available for Testing" or is this indeed a bug in iTunes Connect which hasn't been fixed for over 2 months now?Thanks!
Dec ’15