TestFlight - missing On Demand Resources


We've been attempting to upload, to TestFlight, an application which makes use of on demand resources / ODR.

The app appears to upload correctly and be processed, and be made available for testing in TestFlight BUT our various ODR bundles appear to not be available to the app to "pull". We get an error whenever the app attempts to fetch an ODR down.

This is an all-new thing for us - we've been uploading versions of this app for quite some time but now, suddenly, this is happening. No change to the content of the ODR bundles, no change to the App. We've even uploaded a previous app version to rule out it being a change "our side" - it still fails to be able to pull down any of the ODR bundles.

Is anyone else seeing this or does anyone know of any potential work arounds (obviously there's the option not to use ODR but that's rather extreme and would mean a HUGE download for our customers).

Answered by in 409498022

Hey folks,

Thank you all for jumping in on this. We believe this issue has been addressed. Please try uploading a TestFlight build again and let us know if you are continuing to experience problems.



I have same problem (still have it in TestFlight) - suddenly without any changes in code I started to get "Code=4994 "The requested application data doesn’t exist."" error. All tags are same. Hovewer it worked in xcode. After month or so I came back to this problem (the app is not in the store yet) and now even xcode is not working and I always get this error. Not sure what to do now as self hosting is too much effort for now, hope this will be fixed soon.

I finally got my app update through App Review without any changes to the update.

TLDR: After months of communicating with my app reviewer as well as with a sympathetic tech support representative, they eventually approved my update without any apparent fixes to the ODR backend.

On Monday June 1, I submitted the same build for review again, and it was rejected the same day. I replied to App Review via the "Resolution Center" that I intended to follow the instructions from tech support (see my post above) and to submit the build everyday until the issue with their backend was resolved. I then received a completely infuriating response: "We appreciate your efforts to comply with the App Store Review Guidelines, and we look forward to reviewing your resubmitted app." I replied, expressing my frustration with the seemingly canned, robotic responses and pointing out that this issue had nothing to my "complying with the App Store Review Guidelines." They responded by setting up another phone call "within 3 to 5 business days." The reviewer (same that I had spoken to in late April) called me on Friday June 5 and explained that he had no visibility into Rich's progress on the issue and promised to track down engineering and follow up on my bug report and tech support incident. On Monday June 8, I received the first response to my Feedback Assistant bug report: another completely infuriating, inhuman instruction "Once the issue has been reproduced please trigger a sysdiagnose after the problem occurs and attach the log file to Feedback Assistant." I replied to that message, as well as to my app reviewer via "Resolution Center" and the tech support incident email thread, that there was no way for me to reproduce the error -- in fact, this was at the heart of the entire issue! A few hours later I got a call from the same app reviewer: he said this was extremely unusual but they were going to approve my app update without a fix! He offered an apology for my trouble but didn't explain what the underlying issue was. My update indeed went through and is now live with the ODR requests working as expected.

My only suggestion is to be persistent with complaints to App Review and to Developer Technical Support until they either fix their backend problems or approve your app update as is. It may be helpful to reference my reports:

Developer Technical Support Incident Case ID: 732675555

Feedback Assistant bug report ID: FB7655668

Update: I never did get the TestFlight ODR to work. I rolled the dice and submitted my app. It got through and the release version ODR works fine. <shrugs>

Anyway, the OP marked this thread as "solved", so I would start a new thread for current issues...

Thanks markshred for sharing the details, it will boost the moral.

We are getting rejection from last 6 months and hopefull now we can get this through. Will keep posted here for any further development.

Markshred, we are still facing the issue. Can you drop me a mail on abhi.verma.appledev@gmail.com so that we can communicate once?

The Issue with TestFlight and ODR is back since 48 hours ago. Our apps are no longer able to download ODR via TestFlight builds. Even the builds made before are no longer working.

Does anybody have the same issue?

Same here for me

TestFlight - missing On Demand Resources