




App Crash only on App Review
I have a weird problem with my app. I needed to update the metadata on App Store connect and uploaded a new build to App Store. The only thing that was changed in code is two strings with version number. Everything else is exactly the same as a version that is live on the App Store (which works fine). I got a rejection with 2.1.0 Performance: App Completeness reason, turned out my app crashes on launch on reviewers device. I thought that this maybe a one time problem and tried to upload a new build with same results. Attached crash report. crash report Looks like Facebook SDK(?) crashing the app? And what is about Realm? The problem is I can't reproduce the crash anywhere. Simulator or 5 real devices including same phone model as in crash log. Tried different combinations of Debug/Release, setting Exception Breakpoints without any luck. Will be really thankful for any insight on how to approach this problem or what is going on here. Thank you very much!
Jul ’22