iPadOS 13.2 beta 2 won't verify

Downloaded the update but can't verify. Message states I'm no longer connected to the internet despite being connected with Safari, Mail & the App Store all working.

Answered by 1961russ in 387700022

A Little testing... installs just fine on iPhone XS MAX and IPad Pro 10.5. Seems to be a problem with the IPad Pro 2018 model. Perhaps someone in apple world forgot to set a parameter on the verification server.

i can confirm that mine bricked. mine verified and then got stuck at basically 100% on the thermometer during the install. the only option was to do the up vol, down vol, then hold in the top button until it went into recovery mode. i than had an option to update once plugged in but to the 13.1.2 version. i tried this twice thinking it was a fluke. alas, it was not. guess i'll wait until the issue is resolved, but i have a feeling it wont be until beta 3 till they fix it. at least i didnt lose any data or apps.

Looks like Apple are doing something, as my Update has now been removed (ie. no longer there to install. 18:23 BST 11th Oct

Same for me. 2019 11" iPad Pro that had beta 1 installed on it. I'll wait for the next beta I guess since I don't see any solution.

Had a similar problem on my 2018 12.9 inch iPad Pro. Whilst it did verify the update, when installing it was stuck at 100% for a couple of hours (as some other users have mentioned). Tried this a Couple of times through a hard reset, to no avail. I then launched it into recovery mode, connected it to my Mac and it only showed the 13.1.2 update. To get around this and get 13.2 to install on the iPad, I did the following: - Downloaded the 13.2 restore image from apples developer site. - Connected iPad in recovery mode, to Mac. - When the update and restore options appeared, I pressed the option key and pressed update. - Then a menu pops up, where you can select the previously downloaded restore image. - Select this and it will update to 13.2 beta 2. Had no issues when doing it this way, updated in a matter of minutes.

Did you mean model 2018 or do you have a pre production unit

iPadOS 13.2 beta 2 won't verify