iPadOS 13.2 beta 2 won't verify

Downloaded the update but can't verify. Message states I'm no longer connected to the internet despite being connected with Safari, Mail & the App Store all working.

Accepted Reply

A Little testing... installs just fine on iPhone XS MAX and IPad Pro 10.5. Seems to be a problem with the IPad Pro 2018 model. Perhaps someone in apple world forgot to set a parameter on the verification server.


It is happening to my iPad Pro 2018. I reinstalled the certificate to see if it will install. Waiting for it to finish preparing for install of the update. My iPhone updated fine with no issues.

I have the latest 11" iPad Pro. While you are waiting perhaps you can describe or point me to the info to replace the certificate?

Same thing happening to me here with my iPad Pro 2018

Same problem here, tried to restart, reinstall certificate, nothing... phone all good...

Same thing here... kinda glad it's not only my problem. Hope Apple will fix it soon

Same for me - Unable to Verify Update ...on my iPad Pro 2018

iPhone 7+ updated no problem

iPad Pro 2018, Same circumstance, same attempted solutions... result. Will not verify

iPad Pro 11' here.

Same situation, tried all the solutions, does not verify!

Same here. iPad 11" 2018 will nog verify, iPhone XS Max no Problem. Deleted the update and downloaded it again, still won't verify.

I've had this happen for all of the iOS 13 betas; but it was always related to my running VPN software. Apple servers are blacklisting a variety of IP addresses that happen to be VPN endpoints. Not sure why, other than perhaps they had some dodgy traffic - but not being able to verify the download was always a symptom. In my case, I just moved to another VPN server or endpoint, and it would typically work.

I'm not running a VPN. So in my case, that's not it.

A Little testing... installs just fine on iPhone XS MAX and IPad Pro 10.5. Seems to be a problem with the IPad Pro 2018 model. Perhaps someone in apple world forgot to set a parameter on the verification server.

Same for me iPad Pro model 2019. iPhone betas no problem at all.

iPad 11Pro, reset network, reinstalled beta cert, tried wifi, cellular, vpn; all same response. Still won't verify...

Apparently it's an issue with the newer iPad Pros. Installed fine on an iPad Air 2.