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Posts under Wallet tag

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Wallet order examples can not be added to wallet
At the moment I'm still studying the documentation on wallet order. See the following link:, there are already finished .order files, but they cannot be added on my current IPhone 15 with IOS version 17.3.1. I get the error message via the Safari browser: Order cannot be tracked in Wallet This order cannot be tracked because the format is not supported. Download via Google Chrome and open file via Wallet app shows the same issue... Any clues as to why this might be and how to handle this situation?
Mar ’24
Wallet Generic Pass from Website - Troubleshooting
Hello, as a developer I'm looking for troubleshooting options for Apple Wallet. I have obtained the certificates, signed the pass and dynamically generated a user-specific "Add to Apple Wallet" link on my website (not from an app). On Safari, on my IPhone, i get "Safari cannot download this file". On Chrome, also on the iPhone, I get "Sorry, your pass cannot be installed to Passbook at this time." If accessing the link from a desktop I'm able to download the pkpass file just to confirm that a file is being downloaded. But I need it to work on the iPhone. I believe that the MIME type, file extension, required pass properties are all set. How can I diagnose further? Is there a log file or developer mode I can activate in Apple Wallet?
Mar ’24
Can't add test cards
I'm trying to test payments on an iOS app. I have a sandbox account and its worked previously. When I try and add a test credit card I get the error "Your Issuer Does Not Yet Offer Support For This Card" I'm using the cards here" What I have tried: Checking my Region is the UK Checking the card details Tried several cards Tried signing out of my iCloud completely I'm testing on an iPhone 12 mini using iOS 16.5.1
Mar ’24
How to implement Dynamic QR Code passes for apple wallet?
I want to create passes with Dynamic QR Codes which changes based on T-OTP. Google wallet do have this feature called RotatingBarCode, while there is nothing like this in Apple wallet. Can we do this by updating the passes? If yes, how? If apple wallet pass are getting updates using webServiceURL, how can we create the endpoint and what the body of get request will look like?
Mar ’24
Host Card Emulation iOS 17.4+
Hello everyone, Apple has finally released the iOS 17.4 version which also allows you to develop apps with HCE technology. Unfortunately, besides the API (, I can't find any example projects. I understand that the update was released recently, but if anyone has already tried to develop an app of this kind, any help is welcome!
Mar ’24
Skill-based tournaments gaming app using virtual currency to redeem only for gift cards and real prizes
I am developing a mobile gaming app where players can either collect the app's virtual currency through winning tournaments or by purchasing virtual currency, which will be used to purchase real prizes and gift cards/vouchers. The application will be cross-platform where players can access their account on other platforms outside of the mobile app. My question is whether the purchase of the virtual currency would be treated as an IAP or not since there is a physical value of the virtual currency outside of the app because it can be used to purchase gift cards and other real prizes? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated it. Thanks!
Mar ’24
Unique ID for Apple Passes?
I'm trying to implement a unique Id for each pass that someone adds to their wallet. Something like a unique membership Id or even something as simple as displaying a unique username. What is the process of setting this up? I already have everything set up to generate the pass and update the values of the pass fields, but how can I make this specific to a single pass? I feel like I have everything I need to support this but not sure of the workflow I should use. I found this endpoint: but unsure what the personalizationToken is or how I'd provide this. Is this the same as the "pushToken"? It also references this: which seems to require previously entered user information.
Mar ’24
PKAddPassButton Localization on device language change
Lets say I got two preferred device languages( english first,italian second). I got a PKAddPassButton, which label gets the english localization on first install, but if I change the device language to Italian and relaunch the application, the buttons label has the english translation despite changing the first preffered device language to italian. I need to re install the application to get the italian string on the button. Is there anything I may be doing wrong?
Feb ’24
Pass registration disabled?
I had a new apple pass integration working and now I cannot even get it to attempt to register. I'm trying to dig through the console log, but the amount of messages is crazy and I cannot seem to find anything specific to my failing pass. I did accidentally hit apple with about 200 push notifications requesting to update a pass on the same device, so I suppose it's possible something got blocked or disabled, but I can find no sign of that either. Any idea on what might have gone wrong or how I can better diagnose the problem. I've spend hours rereading doc and search the web, but now I'm tossing my hands up and asking for help
Feb ’24
I want to add ApplePay(add visa card to Apple wallet) functionality in my program
several steps I have done: 1、send Apple Pay Entitlement & Whitelisting Request email and approved by Apple 2、setting Addiction Capability,config wallet ,import Profile Provisioning 3、setting,enable 4、successfully show “add Card to ApplePay” Page 5、error occurs in (void)addPaymentPassViewController:(PKAddPaymentPassViewController *)controller generateRequestWithCertificateChain:(NSArray<NSData *> *)certificates nonce:(NSData *)nonce nonceSignature:(NSData *)nonceSignature completionHandler:(void (^)(PKAddPaymentPassRequest *request))handler{ ..... handler(request); } download from testflight to test I got a error ’Error Domain=PKPassKitErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)"’, it seems always happened whatever i do. It is there any steps I miss?What I can do to solve the issue.
Feb ’24
How to use and test Wallet Transaction Shortcut in iOS Simulator?
The Shortcuts app offers the possibility to trigger shortcuts/intends when a wallet credit card is used and a new transaction is created. I would like to add transaction details to one of my apps and use such a shortcut for it. Other apps do the exact same thing, so this should not be a problem. Adding a shortcut to my app was not a big deal. However, how can this be tested on simulator? When trying to add a new automatization in the Shortcuts app using a wallet transaction as trigger I cannot finish the setup dialog since the Next button is disabled. I assume this is because no card is configured. When trying to add a card in Wallet I just receive that this was not successful. I have connected the simulator to a Sandbox Apple ID account using a region which supports Apple Pay (US). Using a real account does not solve the problem. Any idea how to get this working? Using real transaction within a store could obviously not be the solution for debugging.
Feb ’24 entitlement
I'm trying to run the Checking IDs with the Verifier API Sample Code. The display request app works fine but when i try to run the data request app i get this error for provisioning profile : Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile:" doesn't include the entitlement. and I'm not able to fins how to add this entitlement to the app. I tried to add it from capabilities but it's not available there, only the tap to present ID on iPhone (Display Only) is available. Is this entitlement restricted to a specific country or I need to request access to it from somewhere? or Is there anyway to add it to run the app?
Feb ’24