Release Notes

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Posts under Release Notes tag

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iOS Sdk Version vs iOS Version
When you update XCode it updates the sdk version, but do changes in the sdk take effect for apps running in a lower iOS version or only the corresponding iOS version or higher? For instance, Do changes listed in the notes only happen for apps that are running on iOS 18.1 devices or on any device with the app compiled against the 18.1 sdk version? Am I the only person who finds the docs totally unclear on this?
Predictive Code Completion
In Xcode16Beta4, it contains Predictive Code Completion, and Predictive Code Completion is also with other SDKs in the page opened by Xcode for the first time. Waiting for download. However, I want to know: 1. What is Predictive Code Completion? 2. I didn't download Predictive Code Completion on the SDK download page when I first opened Xcode. Where should I download it later?
Jul ’24
Are several Proximity and Beacon related libraries methods and properties deprectaed and now unusable in iOS 18 beta?
Hi, Please let me know iOS 18 beta have deprecated/ stopped support for which of the following: proximityUUID CLBeaconRegion (instancetype)initWithProximityUUID:(NSUUID *)proximityUUID identifier:(NSString *)identifier (void)startRangingBeaconsInRegion:(CLBeaconRegion *)region -startRangingBeaconsSatisfyingConstraint: , is this also deprecated in iOS 18 beta, since: CLBeaconIdentityConstraint is deprecated right? CLBeaconIdentityCondition is not supported in XCode 15.3. What should I do for this? Should I install XCode 16 beta? locationManager:didRangeBeacons:satisfyingConstraint: can we use it in iOS 18 beta, since, CLBeaconIdentityConstraint is deprecated? what is alternative startMonitoring(for:) is also deprecated in iOS 18 beta right? Also, can someone specify or create a documentation on how beaconing shall be monitored, ranged and locationManager delegate methods pertaining to beaconing to be used in iOS 18 beta?
Aug ’24
When do Pre-order analytics become available?
My app was recently approved and I have been trying to watch metrics so I an adjust my marketing campaign. When I go to the Apple Developer analytics dashboard there isn't anything there and its been almost a week since releasing my pre-order. The only message I see is "Not enough Data: Data is displayed when a certain number of data points become available." When will this data become available and how many data points are needed until I can begin tracking? On the Google Play Console I was able to see when I had as little as 2 pre-registered users.
Mar ’24
Support on Apple Privacy Manifest
As per the Mentions that Third-party SDKs need to provide their own privacy manifest files. What about the SDKs which are in-house? Meaning if the application contains the SDKs which are developer within the same company as the application would be treated as Third-party SDKs?
Mar ’24