How are SwiftUI Shapes supposed to work with Swift 6?
Shape conforms to View which uses @MainActor but the path function and animatableData are both nonisolated. How can they access animatable properties that have to be a var on the main actor?
Below is a simple Shape that will show these warnings:
struct SimpleShape: Shape {
var width: Double
var animatableData: Double {
get { width }
set { width = newValue }
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
var path = Path()
let width = self.width
path.addRect(.init(origin: rect.origin, size: .init(width: width, height: rect.height)))
return path
RSS for tagConcurrency is the notion of multiple things happening at the same time.
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Attaching several crash traces:
The final code:
- (NSObject*)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
if (index < self.count) {
return [self.embeddedArray objectAtIndex:index];
} else {
[PNDErrorReporting reportError:PNDErrorReasonTypeSafeCollectionCrashPrevented message:@"Error msg"];
return nil;
We subclass NSMutableArray to prevent potential crashes. but we encounter a new crash in our sdk for one of the clients.
Also we noticed the stack trace skipped one of the frames (stack calls) in the crash report, in which cases the stack trace wont be identical to the actual code (beside inline)?
If I try to compile the following, I get a compilation error:
import Foundation
func isolatedPrint<A : Actor>(on actor: isolated A) {
Task{ @MainActor in
isolatedPrint(on: MainActor.shared)
The error:
toto.swift:9:2: error: expression is 'async' but is not marked with 'await'
isolatedPrint(on: MainActor.shared)
toto.swift:9:2: note: calls to global function 'isolatedPrint(on:)' from outside of its actor context are implicitly asynchronous
isolatedPrint(on: MainActor.shared)
I don’t understand why the compiler does not detect the function is called on the MainActor via the actor parameter.
So our back end manages tokens in a strange way.
Whenever we try to request a new access token using our refresh token, it invalidates our old refresh token and returns us with a new access + refresh token.
The problem with this is that multiple concurrent network requests can see that a user's access token has expired and try to get a new access token, potentially causing us to get a 401 unauthorized error.
Is there any way with structured/unstructured concurrency to ensure that our method for grabbing the access token can only at max be run once at a time?
Im assuming the only realistic way would be to do something like this:
@MyGlobalActor private var tokenTask: Task<String, any Error>?
@MyGlobalActor func getAccessToken() async await -> String {
if let tokenTask {
return try await tokenTask.value
self.tokenTask = Task<String, any Error> {
// refresh access token
let token = try await self.tokenTask!.value
self.tokenTask = nil
return token
I've been studying the AVCam example and notice that everything pertaining to state transitions for the capture session is performed on a dedicated DispatchQueue. My question is this: Can I use an actor instead?
Two structs from the AppIntents framework should be made Sendable: DisplayRepresentation and IntentDescription.
How can an app obtain the valid range for setting thread_time_constraint_policy_data_t for thread_policy_set()?
Hi, I'm trying to implement a type conforming to WKScriptMessageHandlerWithReply while having Swift's strict concurrency checking enabled. It's not been fun.
The protocol contains the following method (there's also one with a callback, but we're in 2024):
func userContentController(
controller: WKUserContentController,
didReceive message: WKScriptMessage
) async -> (Any?, String?)
WKScriptMessage's properties like body must be accessed on the main thread. But since WKScriptMessageHandlerWithReply is not @MainActor, neither can this method be so marked (same for the conforming type).
At the same time WKScriptMessage is not Sendable, so I can't handle it in Task { @MainActor in this method, because that leads to
Capture of 'message' with non-sendable type 'WKScriptMessage' in a `@Sendable` closure
That leaves me with @preconcurrency import - is that the way to go? Should I file a feedback for this or is it somehow working as intended?
This is a bug I have been trying to identify and fix for more than 3 weeks.
This bug mostly happens in production.
The stack trace doesn't help that much, because it looks like the app is crashing due to some SwiftUI internal methods.
I tried everything in my power to debug and find this bug, still nothing.
Due to the lack of 100% reproducibility, it made me think that this bug is either memory-pressure related or Swift concurrency related.
When does it happen:
This bug happens when presenting a SwiftUI modal (UIViewControllerRepresentable)[A]
which in terms presents a UIHostingController modal[B]
which then presents a modally a SwiftUI sheet [C]
The bug happens somewhere around staying in [C] or after dismissing it.
The app lifecycle is SwiftUI.
The main SwiftUI screen in the app body is a UIViewControllerRepresentable containing a UISplitViewController.
Here is a screenshot from the crash log in Xcode.
Anyone facing a similar issue?
When I build app on Xcode 15.3 with SWIFT_STRICT_CONCURRENCY=complete, there are some warning.
Almost warning can be fixed, but not the TipKit code.
Here is the example.
Are there any good way to solve it?
Is the timeout for session-level authentication challenge handling documented somewhere? For example, if I get the urlSession(_:didReceive:) callback for server trust authentication, how long do I have to invoke the completion handler (or return from the callback if using Swift Concurrency)?
Or is this completely dependent on the server's settings?
Hello. I have the following question. I call the nextBatch() method on MusicItemCollection to get the next collection of artist albums. Here is my method:
func allAlbums2(artist: Artist) async throws -> [Album] {
var allAlbums: [Album] = []
artist.albums?.forEach { allAlbums.append($0) }
guard let albums = artist.albums else { return [] }
var albumsCollection = albums
while albumsCollection.hasNextBatch {
let response = try await albumsCollection.nextBatch()
if let response {
albumsCollection = response
var albums = [Album]()
albumsCollection.forEach({ albums.append($0)})
allAlbums.append(contentsOf: albums)
return allAlbums
The problem is as follows. Sometimes it happens that some albums not in nextBatch are not returned (I noticed one, I didn't check the others). This happens once every 50-100 requests. The number of batches is returned the same when the album is skipped. The same albums are returned in the batch where the album was missed. I have a question, do I have a problem with multi-threading or something else or is it a problem in the API. The file contains prints of the returned batches. One with a missing album, the other without a missing one. There are about 3000 lines in the file. I will be grateful for a hint or an answer. Thank you!
Here link to file:
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to make use of a background actor in my SwiftUI project. Inserting data works with the ModelContainer's mainContext. Another context in a ModelActor, however, fails to write into the same database.
I verify the results by opening the SQLite file on the file system. While the mainContext.insert call does indeed insert a row into the table, the ModelActor's context fails to do so.
There is no error or message received in the ModelActor. The property autosaveEnabled is set to true.
I wrote a sample project to reproduce the issue in isolation. It consists of a single source file that introduces the Model ToDo, the ToDoView, initializes the ModelContainer and ModelActor. Please find the source code below.
Is there any mistake in my approach?
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
final class ToDo {
let title: String
init(title: String) {
self.title = title
struct testSwiftDataApp: App {
var modelContainer: ModelContainer
var backgroundData: BackgroundDataActor
init() {
let modelContainer: ModelContainer =
try! ModelContainer(for: ToDo.self)
self.modelContainer = modelContainer
self.backgroundData = BackgroundDataActor(
modelContainer: modelContainer
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
ToDoView(backgroundData: self.backgroundData)
struct ToDoView: View {
var modelContext
var todos: [ToDo]
let backgroundData: BackgroundDataActor
var modelContainer: ModelContainer {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Add ToDo")
text: .constant(
"URL to database: " +
// This action will be invoked on the ModelActor's context
Button {
Task {
let todo = ToDo(title: "Step 1")
id: todo.persistentModelID
} label: {
Text("Create ToDo in background")
// This action will be invoked on the mainContext
Button {
Task {
let todo = ToDo(title: "Step 2")
} label: {
Text("Create ToDo in foreground")
// Show the query results
VStack {
Text("Available ToDos")
ForEach(self.todos) {
actor BackgroundDataActor: ModelActor {
func store(id: PersistentIdentifier) {
print("Trying to save")
print("Is auto save enabled: \(self.modelContext.autosaveEnabled)")
if let dbo = self[id, as: ToDo.self] {
print("Saved into database")
I’m working on updating one of my apps to the asynchronous location updates API, but have been running into an unhelpful error.
Here's my code:
class CurrentLocation: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
private(set) var location: CLLocation?
private let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
override init() {
self.locationManager.delegate = self
self.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyReduced
func requestLocation() async throws {
print("requesting location")
for try await update in CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() {
self.location = update.location
if update.isStationary {
But after calling requestLocation(), I receive the following error in the console without any location updates:
{"msg":"#locationUpdater received unhandled message", "Message":kCLConnectionMessageCompensatedLocation, "self":"0x600002eaa600"}
Googling this error yields absolutely no matches. I’ve ensured that I have the necessary Info.plist entries (as the old, synchronous location update code I have is also working without issues). I’d be grateful for any assistance!
Hi, just trying to learn how to work with mainActor. I am in a need of analyzing users data with API service one a background. Whenever user saves a post into SwiftData, I need to analyze that posts asynchronously. Here is my current code, which by the way works, but I am getting warning here;
actor DatabaseInteractor {
let networkInteractor: any NetworkInteractor = NetworkInteractorImpl()
func loadUserProfile() async -> String {
do {
let objects = try await modelContainer.mainContext.fetch(FetchDescriptor<ProfileSwiftData>())
if let profileTest = objects.first?.profile {
return profileTest
} catch {
return ""
I get a warning on let objects line.
Warning: Non-sendable type 'ModelContext' in implicitly asynchronous access to main actor-isolated property 'mainContext' cannot cross actor boundary
OSAllocatedUnfairLock has two different methods for executing a block of code with the lock held: withLock() and withLockUnchecked(). The only difference between the two is that the former has the closure and return type marked as Sendable. withLockUnchecked() has a comment (that is for reasons I do not understand not visible in the documentation) saying:
/// This method does not enforce sendability requirement
/// on closure body and its return type.
/// The caller of this method is responsible for ensuring references
/// to non-sendables from closure uphold the Sendability contract.
What I do not understand here is why Sendable conformance would be needed. These function should call this block synchronously in the same context, and return the return value through a normal function return. None of this should require the types to be Sendable. This seems to be supported by this paragraph of the documentation for OSAllocatedUnfairLock:
/// This lock must be unlocked from the same thread that locked it. As such, it
/// is unsafe to use `lock()` / `unlock()` across an `await` suspension point.
/// Instead, use `withLock` to enforce that the lock is only held within
/// a synchronous scope.
So, why does this Sendable requirement exist, and in practice, if I did want to use withLockUnchecked, how would I "uphold the Sendability contract"?
To summarise the question in a more concise way: Is there an example where using withLockUnchecked() would actually cause a problem, and using withLock() instead would catch that problem?
The following Swift UIKit code produces the warning "Cannot access property 'authController' with a non-sendable type 'AuthController' from non-isolated deinit; this is an error in Swift 6":
import UIKit
class AuthFormNavC: UINavigationController {
let authController: AuthController
init(authController: AuthController) {
self.authController = authController
super.init(rootViewController: ConsentVC())
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
deinit {
Swift 5.10, Xcode 15.3 with complete strict concurrency checking.
What is the workaround?
Please don't ask me why I'm doing what I'm doing or anything unrelated to the question.
If you're wondering why I want to call authController.signInAnonymouslyIfNecessary() when the navigation controller is denitialized, my goal is to call it when the navigation controller is dismissed (or popped), and I think that the deinitializer of a view controller is the only method that is called if and only if the view controller is being dismissed (or popped) in my case. I tried observing variables like isViewLoaded in the past using KVO but I couldn't get it to work passing any combination of options in observe(_:options:changeHandler:).
Hi! I'm running into a warning from a SwiftUI.DynamicProperty on a 6.0 development build (swift-6.0-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-03-26-a).
I am attempting to build a type (conforming to DynamicProperty) that should also be MainActor. This type with also need a custom update function. Here is a simple custom wrapper (handwaving over the orthogonal missing pieces) that shows the warning:
import SwiftUI
@MainActor struct MainProperty: DynamicProperty {
// Main actor-isolated instance method 'update()' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
@MainActor func update() {
Is there anything I can do about that warning? Does the warning correctly imply that this will be a legit compiler error when 6.0 ships?
I can find (at least) two examples of types adopting DynamicProperty from Apple that are also MainActor: FetchRequest and SectionedFetchRequest. What is confusing is that both FetchRequest^1 and SectionedFetchRequest^2 explicitly declare their update method to be MainActor. Is there anything missing from my Wrapper declaration that can get me what I'm looking for? Any more advice about that? Thanks!
I am working on a similar application and would like to refer to the sample application referred in this video - "File Squeezer" and couldn't find anywhere. Could anybody please help me find this sample code?
I am trying to sync the ntp time from the server using Kronos library.
However, I believe the code is not fully protected from multithreading access since it is using low level system code.
So, does anyone know how can I ensure sysctl and gettimeofday are thread-safe when calling them? Or, is there any thread-safe alternative to get the same result?
func currentTime() -> TimeInterval {
var current = timeval()
let systemTimeError = gettimeofday(&current, nil) != 0
assert(!systemTimeError, "system clock error: system time unavailable")
return Double(current.tv_sec) + Double(current.tv_usec) / 1_000_000
static func systemUptime() -> TimeInterval {
var size = MemoryLayout<timeval>.stride
var bootTime = timeval()
let bootTimeError = sysctl(&mib, u_int(mib.count), &bootTime, &size, nil, 0) != 0
assert(!bootTimeError, "system clock error: kernel boot time unavailable")
let now = currentTime()
let uptime = Double(bootTime.tv_sec) + Double(bootTime.tv_usec) / 1_000_000
assert(now >= uptime, "inconsistent clock state: system time precedes boot time")
return now - uptime
I have thought of using NSLock but I can only protect from the getter (caller) not the setter (system)