I am trying to sync the ntp time from the server using Kronos
However, I believe the code is not fully protected from multithreading
access since it is using low level system code.
So, does anyone know how can I ensure sysctl
and gettimeofday
are thread-safe when calling them? Or, is there any thread-safe alternative to get the same result?
func currentTime() -> TimeInterval {
var current = timeval()
let systemTimeError = gettimeofday(¤t, nil) != 0
assert(!systemTimeError, "system clock error: system time unavailable")
return Double(current.tv_sec) + Double(current.tv_usec) / 1_000_000
static func systemUptime() -> TimeInterval {
var size = MemoryLayout<timeval>.stride
var bootTime = timeval()
let bootTimeError = sysctl(&mib, u_int(mib.count), &bootTime, &size, nil, 0) != 0
assert(!bootTimeError, "system clock error: kernel boot time unavailable")
let now = currentTime()
let uptime = Double(bootTime.tv_sec) + Double(bootTime.tv_usec) / 1_000_000
assert(now >= uptime, "inconsistent clock state: system time precedes boot time")
return now - uptime
I have thought of using NSLock but I can only protect from the getter (caller) not the setter (system)