Command Line Tools

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Command line tools allow for easy installation of open source software or development on UNIX within Terminal.

Posts under Command Line Tools tag

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terminal input buffer size
Hi all. When in terminal I run the command that reads user input from stdin, for example base64 , I can paste or type up to 1024 characters (bytes). After that terminal starts beeping and does not allow me to type or paste anymore input. Where is the terminal input buffer set and how can I increase it? Thank you
Aug ’24
NIOThreadPool segfault
Following the latest Command Line Tools update, the swift-nio library ( causes my program to segfault. The function where the error occurs is runIfActive, which is executed with the following error: Thread 12: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x4) swift version: swiftlang- clang-1600.0.24.1 NIO version: 2.70.0
Aug ’24
CLI Workflow: IPA Installation
I have a Mac Catalyst app bundle built from Rust. I am able to execute this bundle from my M2 Mac-Mini. I am wondering how might I go about creating a proper IPA archive in order to install to my iOS/iPadOS devices. I am using the following code to generate and sign the app bundle: cd "${APPDIR}/" /usr/bin/codesign -s "Apple Development: <ID>" -fv ./ cd ./ zip -r ../counter.ipa * I then use cfgutil to try to install to my iPhone that is plugged into my Mac-Mini: cfgutil -v install-app ./counter.ipa I receive the following error when trying to install: Waiting for the device [1/4] [*******************************************] 100% cfgutil: error: Information about an app could not be read. (Domain: ConfigurationUtilityKit.error Code: 404) "install-app" failed on <>'s iPhone (ECID: <>). --- Summary --- Operation "install-app" failed on 1 devices. The contents of the app bundle before signing: - Geneva.ttf - counter - Info.plist Contents of Info.plist: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string>com.example.counter</string> <key>CFBundleDisplayName</key> <string>counter</string> <key>CFBundleName</key> <string>counter</string> <key>CFBundleExecutable</key> <string>counter</string> <key>CFBundleVersion</key> <string>0.1.0</string> <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key> <string>0.1.0</string> <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key> <string>en_US</string> <key>UILaunchStoryboardName</key> <string></string> <key>LSRequiresIPhoneOS</key> <true/> </dict> </plist> Is there anything I'm doing wrong in signing and/or creating the IPA archive? Or perhaps I am missing something in the bundle itself?
Aug ’24
`rvictl` and iPad Air not working
When I try to use rvictl with an iPad Air, the tool doesn't error out, but also doesn't indicate success. Here are two invocations first with the udid of an iPhone Mini, which succeeds, and second with an iPad Air, which does not: ~/Desktop via 🐦 v6.0 took 3s ❯ rvictl -s 00008110-[snip] Starting device 00008110-[snip] [SUCCEEDED] with interface rvi0 ~/Desktop via 🐦 v6.0 took 5s ❯ rvictl -s 00008112-[snip] ~/Desktop via 🐦 v6.0 took 3s ❯ If I list interfaces I only see rvi0, which corresponds to the iPhone Mini.
Aug ’24
Do CloudKit subscriptions work from command line tool application?
I am able to fetch CloudKit records from my MacOS command line tool/daemon. However, I would like CloudKit to notify my daemon whenever CKRecords were altered so I would not have to poll periodically. In CloudKit console I see that my app successfully created CloudKit subscription, but the part that confuses me is where in my app do I define callback function that gets called whenever CloudKit attempted to notify my app of CloudKit changes? My first question - do I need to define callback in my implementation of UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate? NSApplicationDelegate? Something else? My second question, would CKSyncEngine work from command line application?
Aug ’24
Is it possible to use CloudKit from "Command Line Tool" application?
In Xcode I have created UI-less application. I tried to add following code: import CloudKit let container = CKContainer.default() And it is failing with: In order to use CloudKit, your process must have a entitlement. The value of this entitlement must be an array that includes the string "CloudKit" or "CloudKit-Anonymous". If I go to project and select my Command Line Tool target I don't see CloudKit capability that I usually see in UI based applications. So, is it impossible to use CloudKit from Command Line tools?
Jul ’24
How to build projects once?
Hi, I have been tasked with porting our C++ codebase from Windows/Linux to MacOS. Our setup uses Premake to generate platform specific project files. On Windows it creates a Visual Studio solution and project files, on Linux it creates makefiles, and on MacOS it generates an Xcode workspace and project files. Our project hierarchy looks something like this: Solution/Workspace S Project A (shared library) Project B (shared library) Project C (shared library) Projects D to R (About a dozen or so - all shared libraries) Project V (application) Project W (application) Project X (application) Project Y (application) Project Z (application) Projects B and C depend on A. Projects D to R are dependent on some or all of the projects A, B, and C. Each application is dependent on projects A, B, and C, and some of the intermediate projects D to R. (The exact dependencies vary according to the application.) Additionally, some applications can load shared libraries dynamically according to their state/settings. I.e., not all shared library dependencies are known at build time. Initially all building typically happens on the command line. Once our build script has run Premake to generate the project files, it proceeds to build everything. Further builds can happen within Visual Studio/Xcode as part of the normal workflow. However, building must happen on the command line for DevOps CI/Release builds. On Windows, for example, MSBuild lets me build the entire solution for a given configuration (Debug/Release/etc) in a single command. This builds projects A, B, C in order, followed by the intermediate projects (D to R), followed by the applications (V to Z). Each project is built once. Same deal for Linux. Make builds each project in turn according to the dependencies with a single command. Each project is build once. On MacOS, however, xcodebuild doesn't let me just build the entire workspace for a given configuration. I can specify a workspace, but then I have to also specify a scheme. Or I can just specify a specific project. However, when I build a specific project, Xcodebuild always builds all dependencies. So my build script at the moment explicitly builds projects D to R, followed by applications V to Z. This, however, leads to the ridiculous situation of Xcode building projects in the following order: D, C, B, A E, C, A F, C, B, A G, B, A etc... V, F, G, H, C, B, A W, G, I, C, B, A X, K, C, B, A etc... With the obvious effect of our MacOS builds taking 20+ times longer than their Windows/Linux counterparts. So, my main questions are: Is it possible to just build every project in the workspace once? Or if that can't be done, is it possible to not build project dependencies? I.e., can I just build the single project I specify? If neither of those are possible, how can I optimise my builds so that they don't take half a day to complete? I should point out, removing the project dependencies isn't an option. If project A is genuinely out of date, it should be built if I build one of the applications. Xcode should be smart enough to realise that it doesn't need to build everything every time.
Aug ’24
How to get Command Line Tool code to launch SwiftUI App code
For MacOS I wrote a Terminal Command Line Tool to help me do number crunching calculations. No need for UI. This works great as-is, but there are opportunities to make the work more interesting by giving it some graphical representation like a heat map of the data. To that end I want the terminal to launch a SwiftUI code to open a window given an optional command line parameter that would display this visual representation of data in a new window. It would be nice to interact with that window visualization in some ways using SwiftUI. I originally thought it'd just be as easy as creating a SwiftUI View file and then throwing what normally appears under @main into a launch function and then calling the launch function from my main.swift file: import SwiftUI struct SwiftUIView: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello, World!") } } #Preview { SwiftUIView() } func LaunchSwiftUIApp() { //@main struct SwiftUIApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { SwiftUIView() } } } } Of course this doesn't work. I've already have the command line code just spit out various png files via command line so looking to make those visualization a little more interactive or readable/organized by coding some SwiftUI stuff around those current visualizations. Anyway. Looking around this doesn't seem to be a thing people normally do. I'm not sure how to setup the Terminal Command Line Tool code that I wrote to optionally launch into SwiftUI code.
Jul ’24
Not able to use devicectl usage to run ui tests
Hello, I have a test bundle in my application and one of the strong request of our project is to run ui tests from command line having just application build. How to run unit tests on .app file that has a test target? What we tried xcrun devicectl device install app --device <device-identifier> <> xcrun devicectl device process launch --device <device-identifier> --start-stopped <com.apptestbundle-Runner.xcrun> It launches and is waiting pid to be attached. In lldb: device select <device-identifier> device process list Seeing process 'UITestBundle-Runner' pid. device process --pid 'pid id' It attaches and I can see 'debugserver' in the pid list, but it does not start testing and I need tests to start and run. Thanks!
Jul ’24
instruments Error using CLI
While running instruments using CLI we are seeing below error: command: xcrun xctrace record --template Leaks --launch application --output recording.trace -e DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib Run issues were detected (trace is still ready to be viewed): [Error] An error occurred trying to capture Leaks data. [Error] Failed to generate memory graph for pid 7828: failed to create a VMUTaskMemoryScanner, probably because the target's libmalloc hasn't been initialized Recording failed with errors. Saving output file... System details: Xcode 15.4 Mac :Intel processors MacOs:14.5
Jul ’24
Error attaching to the pid
Hi 👋 I need assistance in attaching the to the pid in terminal. In lldb mode I am connecting to the pid using device process attach --pid <pid-id> which gives me an error Process 505 stopped * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP frame #0: 0x00000001d505c808 libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg2_trap + 8 libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg2_trap: -> 0x1d505c808 <+8>: ret Thanks
Jul ’24
The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process.
The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process. Currently I am struggling with this problem while running tests runner `xcrun devicectl device process launch --console --device '000000000000000000000' ' What may be causing the issue? Thanks in advance
Jun ’24
Gatekeeper blocks command line tool after signing and notarization
I have signed and notarized a single executable file command line tool developed outside Xcode, and distributed outside of the App store by way of a download from a website as follows below, but nevertheless gatekeeper blocks running the tool with the usual message, just like without signing or notarization. If I remove the xattr, the tool runs as it should without gatekeeper interference, as expected. I have browsed countless posts here, with similar issues, but in the end I can't find what's wrong with the process. From what I gather, as long as the target Mac is connected to the Internet, stapling should not be required (I do understand I can't staple a single file executable command line tool), although Gatekeeper would be expected to complain in the case of the first run being done without Internet connection. The certificate is a "Developer Id Application" certificate, installed and valid on the machine doing the signing. It is unclear to me what the distinction is between "Developer Id Application" and "Developer Id Installer" certificates, but it's confusing that using -t install with spctl will actually accept the app. The app is open source and available on GitHub (although the full distribution packaging is done in a separate build environment with some additional logic). The app used below as the target for signing and notarization is available to download from in a .tar.gz archive. Here follows a log of commands and output: XecretsCli.plist: (This was necessary to add to the signing to avoid corruption of the executable by the code signing) codesign -s GCXRMT5SQC -f --timestamp -s 0CF6800E595AA6DE9EBB905066619A9BFDD17A77 --entitlements XecretsCli.plist -o runtime XecretsCli codesign -d -vvv --entitlements :- XecretsCli Executable=/Users/svante/Downloads/XecretsCli-Osx-2.3.567 3/XecretsCli Identifier=XecretsCli Format=Mach-O thin (x86_64) CodeDirectory v=20500 size=271478 flags=0x10000(runtime) hashes=8473+7 location=embedded Hash type=sha256 size=32 CandidateCDHash sha256=d3a8216fcb22b4a4af7bd0157ecc3d2b6be9f9b2 CandidateCDHashFull sha256=d3a8216fcb22b4a4af7bd0157ecc3d2b6be9f9b20c9e3c17e107f08c7ae75c5a Hash choices=sha256 CMSDigest=d3a8216fcb22b4a4af7bd0157ecc3d2b6be9f9b20c9e3c17e107f08c7ae75c5a CMSDigestType=2 CDHash=d3a8216fcb22b4a4af7bd0157ecc3d2b6be9f9b2 Signature size=8987 Authority=Developer ID Application: Axantum Software AB (GCXRMT5SQC) Authority=Developer ID Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Timestamp=Jun 20, 2024 at 13:26:05 Info.plist=not bound TeamIdentifier=GCXRMT5SQC Runtime Version=13.1.0 Sealed Resources=none Internal requirements count=1 size=172 Warning: Specifying ':' in the path is deprecated and will not work in a future release codesign -v -vvv --strict --deep XecretsCli XecretsCli: valid on disk XecretsCli: satisfies its Designated Requirement zip XecretsCli adding: XecretsCli (deflated 63%) xcrun notarytool submit "" --keychain-profile "Notarize" --wait Conducting pre-submission checks for and initiating connection to the Apple notary service... Submission ID received id: e5990902-3101-42de-a1a6-b9ea40b944b8 Upload progress: 100.00% (12.4 MB of 12.4 MB) Successfully uploaded file id: e5990902-3101-42de-a1a6-b9ea40b944b8 path: /Users/svante/Downloads/XecretsCli-Osx-2.3.567 3/ Waiting for processing to complete. Current status: Accepted........ Processing complete id: e5990902-3101-42de-a1a6-b9ea40b944b8 status: Accepted spctl -a -vvv XecretsCli XecretsCli: rejected (the code is valid but does not seem to be an app) origin=Developer ID Application: Axantum Software AB (GCXRMT5SQC) spctl -a -vvv -t install XecretsCli XecretsCli: accepted source=Notarized Developer ID origin=Developer ID Application: Axantum Software AB (GCXRMT5SQC) Trying to run the executable: "XecretsCli" can't be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed. Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the App Store and identified developers. Chrome downloaded this file today at 10:37. OK
Jun ’24
CURL command is not working in MAC OS 14.5
CURL command with headers stopped working on the latest mac version. command used to work fine in earlier versions of the Mac OS. Below command returns error - unkown Header curl --request GET ‘URL’ --Header ‘Accept-Language:en’ --Header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ Note: If --Header is given in lower case '--header' is seems to be working in the latest version. Does anyone face this issue and any fix would be really appreciated.
Jun ’24
Slow incremental build times with xcodebuild command
When I compile my Xcode project using the xcodebuild command, I observe long incremental build durations. For example, compiling a new, empty project in Xcode only takes around one second. The same project takes 7 seconds to compile using the xcodebuild command. I've noticed that xcodebuild hangs at the "GatherProvisioningInputs" phase. Steps to Reproduce: Create a new Xcode project (iOS app template) Build the project in Xcode with timing summary enabled Build the same project from the command line with the following command: time xcodebuild -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 15 Pro,OS=latest' I would appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to improve the build times when using the xcodebuild command. Thank you in advance for your help!
Oct ’24
How to make CI build with Xcode project with automatic signing?
We have an iOS project that is configured with automatically managed signing. We cannot get automatic signing to work on our CI (GitHub Actions). To even get xcodebuild to archive we have to force it to not sign at all: xcrun xcodebuild \ -workspace app.xcworkspace \ -scheme prod \ -configuration 'Release' \ -destination generic/platform=iOS \ -archivePath ./build/prod.xcarchive \ CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" \ CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO \ CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO \ clean archive All our attempts to make xcodebuild archive do manual signing have failed. In order to have the app properly signed with the right entitlements we then call codesign: codesign -f \ -s Distribution \ --entitlements prod.entitlements \ ./build/prod.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ Then we export the ipa: xcrun xcodebuild \ -exportArchive \ -archivePath ./build \ -exportOptionsPlist exportOptions.plist \ -exportPath ./build This seems to work so my question is: Is it supported to do manual signing this way? Is there a better way? If we omit the codesign step, the app will still be signed - by exportArchive we assume, but then the entitlements are missing.
May ’24