I installed beta a month ago and imy battery life changed from 100% to 93% in one week, how is that possible?
And my battery last barely half a day.
It seems like I must buy new phone now…
Posts under Battery Life tag
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I'm developing an app where users can select items to add to a screen, similar to creating a Canva presentation or choosing blocks in Minecraft. However, I'm encountering an issue with energy usage. When users click the arrows to browse different items, the energy use spikes significantly. Although it returns to normal after a while, continuous clicking causes the energy use to skyrocket. The images I'm using are 500x500 pixels. Ideally, I would like to avoid caching all the images, as the app might have up to 500 items and caching them all would consume too much memory. I have tried numerous way to avoid this but I just can’t seem to make it work. Would anyone know how to avoid such problem?
I have included a picture of the energy use when just opened, and one after like 10 seconds of continuously clicking on an arrow to see more items. Also a picture of how the app looks.
struct ContentView: View {
struct babyBackground {
var littleImage = ""
@State var firstSet: [babyBackground] = [
babyBackground(littleImage: "circle"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "square"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "triangle"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "anotherShape"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "circle"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "square"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "triangle"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "anotherShape")
@State var secondSet: [babyBackground] = [
babyBackground(littleImage: "circle"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "square"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "triangle"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "anotherShape"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "circle"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "square"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "triangle"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "anotherShape"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "circle")
@State var thirdSet: [babyBackground] = [
babyBackground(littleImage: "circle"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "square"),
babyBackground(littleImage: "triangle"),
let columns: [GridItem] = Array(repeating: .init(.flexible()), count: 4)
func createBackgroundGridView(for backgrounds: [babyBackground], columns: [GridItem] ) -> some View {
LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: 10) {
ForEach(0..<backgrounds.count, id: \.self) { index in
Button(action: {
}, label: {
if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: backgrounds[index].littleImage, ofType: "png"), let uiImage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: path) {
Image(uiImage: uiImage)
.frame(width: 126, height: 96)
@State var indexOn = 0
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
indexOn = (indexOn == 0) ? 2 : indexOn - 1
}) {
Label("", systemImage: "arrowtriangle.left.fill")
.font(.system(size: 50))
ScrollView {
switch indexOn {
case 0: createBackgroundGridView(for: firstSet, columns: columns)
case 1: createBackgroundGridView(for: secondSet, columns: columns)
case 2: createBackgroundGridView(for: thirdSet, columns: columns)
case 3: createBackgroundGridView(for: thirdSet, columns: columns)
default: createBackgroundGridView(for: firstSet, columns: columns)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
Button(action: {
indexOn = (indexOn == 2) ? 0 : indexOn + 1
}) {
Label("", systemImage: "arrowtriangle.right.fill")
.font(.system(size: 50))
Energy Use when app starts:
Energy use after clicking for about 10 seconds:
App UI:
I haven’t figured out a way to have my phone automatically restart between the hours of midnight and 6am when the battery reaches 100%. Is there a way to do this?
I have bought an iPhone from flipkart on 07/10/2023 Which is around 10 months old and my battery health is decreased that is 89% I am facing issue of battery draining and phone heating while charging the phone.
Please solve my query what i have to do
I am observing my phone battery draining and in last 7 months my battery health has been degraded from 100% to 87%. after each ios17 release it is getting worse even after applying all battery optimizing things.
looks like Apple is doing it intentionally to boost up his latest phones and as a customer we dont have any options
Desde que instalé la versión beta de WatchOS 11, la duración de la batería ha disminuido considerablemente. Antes, la batería duraba 48 horas, pero ahora no alcanza las 24 horas. ¿Alguien más está experimentando este problema?
the battery charge is discharging at 12% charge even when switching to battery saver it is discharging very quickly
After upgrading my iPhone 15 pro max to ios18 beta, i am facing serious heating issues and battery draining very fast. Also, i can see the mobile charging speed is very low. any recommendations to fix the issue ? I can't downgrade the mobile since there are high chances that i may loose currently configured esims after downgrade.
Since I updated my Apple Watch Series 9 with the WatchOS11 beta, it no longer recognizes my charger purchased on Amazon, even though it worked perfectly well before the update. In addition, the battery discharges very quickly.
I've got a full-screen animation of a bunch of circles filled with gradients, with plenty of (careless) overdraw, plus real-time audio processing driving the animation, plus the overhead of SwiftUI's dependency analysis, and that app uses less energy (on iPhone 13) than the Xcode "Metal Game" template which is a rotating textured cube (a trivial GPU workload). Why is that? How can I investigate further?
Does CoreAnimation have access to a compositor fast-path that a Metal app cannot access?
Maybe another data point: when I do the same circles animation using SwiftUI's Canvas, the energy use is "Very High" and GPU utilization is also quite high. Eventually the phone's thermal state goes "Serious" and I get a message on the device that "Charging will resume when iPhone returns to normal temperature".
We are developed app based on driver behaviour using location and sensor data.
It's working in both background and foreground using region monitoring.
Its consume more battery comparing other apps like. Its reduce 5% for every 5 to 10 mins of duration.
We are using for our app functionality
Location (Always) - every 1sec
Sensor - Accelerometer - every 20data for 1sec
Background - Region monitoring
Time Action - 1sec for 20time
Any possible way to reduce battery consuming? If any please suggest your points.
Thanks in advance for your comments.
The documentation says the default value is false, yet when tested on two devices (iPhone 7 15.8; iPhone XS 17.4) the value is always true unless explicitly set to false. Is the documentation incorrect?
Since the latest update of iOS (17.4) I can tell that I can see battery drain on my iPhone 15 Pro!
Especially at nights! I use Wi-Fi calling so when I get ready to sleep I turn airplane mode on and leave it on all night.
The next morning I get up and my iPhone has already lost at least 10% battery (!!!) Today it had a loss of 25% (!!!).
It went from 66% to 51% in 8 hours! In the battery usage there are social media apps mostly with the most of consumption.
I also kill all the apps from the background every single night before I go to sleep.
So what "eats" my battery so much at night? Any thoughts or tips please?
my iphone 11 battery health is draining so fast draining about 2 or 3 percentages per one week or two weeks still wondering why and i dont fully charge it i charge it to 80/100.
My battery used to last several days now it drains overnight after the 14.1.2 iOS upgrade!
I am on iphone 14 pro and latest ios 17 beta, have tremendous battery drain. In few hours below 20%.
Any help or suggestion ?