I'm implementing a timer feature and facing the issue that the live activity I'm starting just continues showing after the timer is complete.
The body of the live activity widget is more or less:
ActivityConfiguration(for: WhendyWidgetAttributes.self) { context in
VStack {
style: .timer
// if Date.now < timerEndTime { Text("Done") }
self.expandedView(state: context.state)
} …
Ideally I could get the activity to show something else when it is done but I don't know how to get it to re-evaluate it's body once the end time is reached.
I create the activity with
let activity = try ActivityKit.Activity.request(
attributes: attributes,
content: .init(
state: .init(timerEndDate: timerEndDate),
staleDate: timerEndDate
pushType: nil
Can I schedule the activity to do a refresh it's body (and reevaluating Date.now) once the timerEndDate is reached?
Considered Approaches
trying staleDate
However, the activity never shows that it has become stale. Would it be expected that it shows the stale-ness?
scheduling dismissal
I also thought about starting and immediately stopping the activity with a delayed dismissal, but unfortunately it seems this is limited to a 4 hour window, and I'd like longer timers too.
remote updates
I understand I could use remote notifications to update the live activity, but I'd really like to keep things local as all the functionality is locally plannable.
Background Tasks
I understand these don't run reliably or at a predictable time.
A Timer in the app that updates the content
I think this would only update the activity while the app is in foreground.
RSS for tagHelp people keep track of tasks and events that they care about with Live Activities on the Lock Screen, the Dynamic Island, and in StandBy.
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I have implemented a Live Activity with Dynamic Island support for my charging app. Currently, the Dynamic Island expands when tapped, but I want to disable this interaction completely. Here's my current implementation:
**dynamicIsland: { context in
DynamicIsland {
// Expanded Regions
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.leading) {
// Leading expanded content
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.trailing) {
// Trailing expanded content
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.bottom) {
// Bottom expanded content
} compactLeading: {
// Compact leading view content
} compactTrailing: {
// Compact trailing view content
} minimal: {
// Minimal view content
i ve implemented progressview and updating the state via push notification.
the progress view wants closedrange which i followed but whenever i get update, the progress value resets to beginning
my range is like :
but i dont get it, lets assume that i get the date from database and initialized already then how the code will understand that what progress value will be as current ?
it has to be something like i suppose :
i'm not able to activate Live activities from app id configuration.
Do i miss something ?
thanks for your help
Hi, so i'm trying to use Activity.update but XCode throws an error if I don't use the ios 16 syntax, only to throw a warning that it's deprecated if I do. Screenshots below. Should I bug report or is there a known workaround?
I'm trying to create a preview for my live activities when it's stale, so I created a preview provider. I followed some examples, but XCode says I'm missing preview context. Am I doing something wrong?
I tried adding .previewContext(WidgetPreviewContext(family: .systemSmall)) but that doesn't seem to work.
(Also have a case ID, 9879068)
We have an app that user use to check in/out from work for example. We have a button in-app do do this. Now I'm trying to add buttons to our widgets and our new live activity so that users don't have to open the app.
It's crucial that the live activity and widgets always show the exact same state.
Otherwise it'll look pretty bad if a user has both a live activity and a widget showin at the same time.
However, we have noticed that sometimes, pressing the button in the live activity, running the app intent, will not always make the widget update (we call reloadAllTimelines()). The other way around, i.e. press the button on widget to update live activity always works. (they both call the same app intent)
When running it in debug mode on a phone from Xcode, it always works, but when running it just on the phone it's unreliable.
My first thought was, of course, that's related to the widget "budget", but according to the docs HERE, it should not be applied when interacting with a widget, calling an app intent.
My question: HOW can I make my widget reliably refresh using an app intent invoked from a live activity??
I have a ready small project with simple buttons and trace labels that display this issue that I'm happy to supply to someone.
frequentPushEnablementUpdates asynchronous sequence is never called even if 'More Frequent Updates' is toggled ON or OFF.
for await frequentPushEnabled in ActivityAuthorizationInfo().frequentPushEnablementUpdates {
// never called
Though we are able to get the 'More Frequent Updates' value once by the following:
var isEnabled = ActivityAuthorizationInfo().frequentPushesEnabled //true if ON, false if OFF
This only gives the result once as it is not async observation sequence.
But the 'frequentPushEnablementUpdates' async sequence is never called. As per the doc - 'frequentPushEnablementUpdates' is an asynchronous sequence you use to observe whether a person permitted you to update Live Activities with frequent ActivityKit push notifications.
Our context involves smart kitchen appliances, where cooking may be initiated by an app or directly by the device.
When the app is not running, we can only start a Live Activity through a remote push notification. However, an increasing number of users report issues where they cannot update or terminate the Live Activity.
While we can reproduce this issue in some cases, it is inconsistent and lacks a clear pattern.
I have a sample project and would like to confirm the following questions:
When the app is not running, does each pushToStartToken update wake the app and reliably trigger the callback below?
for await pushToken in Activity<DeviceAttributes>.pushToStartTokenUpdates {
When the app is not running, does each pushTokenUpdates update wake the app and reliably trigger the callback below?
Task {
for await activity in Activity<DeviceAttributes>.activityUpdates {
Task {
for try await tokenData in activity.pushTokenUpdates {
Must pushToStartTokenUpdates and pushTokenUpdates be placed directly in application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?), or can they be in another wrapper, such as an RxSwift wrapper?
If pushTokenUpdates is updated, but the received pushToken fails to synchronize to the server due to network issues, how should this be handled?
Alternatively, if you have any better suggestions, I would be very grateful to hear them.
Here is a simple example.
Hello everyone,
I’m currently receiving feedback from clients in a production environment who are encountering a BadDeviceToken error with Live Activities, which is preventing their states from updating. However, for other clients, the token is working fine and everything functions as expected.
I’m collaborating with the back-end developers to gather more information about this issue, but the only log message we’re seeing is:
Failed to send a push, APNS reported an error: BadDeviceToken
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could provide some insight or information on how to resolve this issue.
Hey there,
Create Live activity in my project, after executing the creation method, back to the background, real-time activity UI is not displayed, but click Smart Island is effective,
now do not know where the problem appears?
Has anyone experienced this problem?
I'm unable to find sample code that demonstrates how to support a custom Live Activity layout for Apple Watch. I have read the documentation and have added the supplementalActivityFamilies with small and medium. However, I am not able to detect when the activityFamily is set to small.
This is what I'm trying to use without success:
struct MyWidgetLiveActivity: Widget {
@Environment(\.activityFamily) var activityFamily: ActivityFamily
var body: some WidgetConfiguration {
ActivityConfiguration(for: MyWidgetAttributes.self) { context in
if activityFamily == .small {
Text("Apple Watch! \(activityFamily.description)")
} else {
Text("Not small family: \(activityFamily.description)")
} dynamicIsland: { context in
return DynamicIsland {
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.leading) {
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.trailing) {
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.bottom) {
} compactLeading: {
} compactTrailing: {
} minimal: {
.supplementalActivityFamilies([.small, .medium])
This code shows "Not small family: medium" on my Apple Watch. Could somebody provide some insight into why this doesn't work for me?
i have been watched the video and looked for codes to apply live activity for watch.
problem is in preview always show my widget as medium size even if apply supporting widget family and changing the content of preview to dynamicIsland .compact
however preview still shows me the medium size everytime. what is wrong ?
Before explaining the situation, I referred to this document.
I'm making a widget with a toggle that works with Intent. (To be precise, it's Live Activity, but Apple's literally toggling and button interaction are implemented in the same way)
If you press the toggle when the device is locked, the toggle represents the state.
However, as described at the top of the same document, the device must be unlocked to execute Intent, so I can't actually change the data.
That's fine, but how can I return the isOn of the toggle to false? I'm blocked here because no code is executed.
If it is a widget in the home screen, it will be basically unlocked, so I can proceed according to the method of the document, but if it is today's view, user can access it even if device is locked.
I tested it in today's view with the Reminders app, If I don't unlock the device after tapping the toggle it returns the toggle back to false state.
I wonder how I can achieve this.
Is there an API that I missed?
Tap the toggle of the widget while the device is locked.
The device waits for unlocking, but the user cancels it without unlocking it. (Still locked)
Return the isOn of the toggle to false. <- The part I want.
I'm a bit stuck when it comes to implementing live activities.
I'm trying to start one by sending a push.
my activity attributes looks like:
import Foundation
import ActivityKit
public struct NeoPrototypeActivity: ActivityAttributes {
public let classId: String
public let name: String
public let room: String
public let startTime: Date
public init(classId: String, name: String, room: String, startTime: Date) {
self.classId = classId
self.name = name
self.room = room
self.startTime = startTime
public struct ContentState: Codable & Hashable {
public let participationState: ParticipationState
public init(participationState: ParticipationState) {
self.participationState = participationState
public enum ParticipationState: String, Codable, Hashable, Equatable {
case upcoming
case upcomingOnWaitingList
case checkedIn
case waitingList
case lostSpot
case lostSpotFromWaitingList
case classCompleted
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .upcoming: return "Upcoming"
case .upcomingOnWaitingList: return "Upcoming on Waiting List"
case .checkedIn: return "Checked In"
case .waitingList: return "Waiting List"
case .lostSpot: return "Lost Spot"
case .lostSpotFromWaitingList: return "Lost Spot from Waiting List"
case .classCompleted: return "Class completed"
which I have in a SPM package that is imported by my widget and iOS targets.
Then I am sending a push notification (to my simulator in this case) with the following payload
"aps": {
"timestamp": 1728419211,
"event": "start",
"content-state": {
"participationState": "upcoming"
"attributes-type": "NeoPrototypeActivity",
"attributes": {
"classId": "1234",
"name": "Indoor Running",
"room": "room 2",
"startTime": "2024-10-19T13:22:59+02:00"
"alert": {
"title": "Hola Mundo",
"body": "Todo Bien"
I am using the right values for the deviceID when sending the push.
I get a 200 ok from the CloudKit console.
yet my live activity doesn't start.
I'm trying to look at the errors in the Console app and the only relevant thing is see is:
[NeoPrototypeActivity] Error creating activity: NSCocoaErrorDomain (4864) The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format.
It seems like a decoding error, but I don't know what exactly failed
I wrote some test to try the decoding like:
import Testing
import Foundation
@testable import PrototypeActivities
@Test func decoding() async throws {
struct StateContainer: Codable {
let participationState: ParticipationState
let jsonString = """
"participationState": "upcoming"
let json = try #require(jsonString.data(using: .utf8))
let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(StateContainer.self, from: json)
#expect(result.participationState == .upcoming)
@Test func decodingActivity() throws {
// let jsonString = """
// {
// "classId": "1234",
// "name": "Indoor Running",
// "room": "room 2",
// "startTime": "2024-10-19T11:22:59Z"
// }
// """
let jsonString = """
"classId": "1234",
"name": "Indoor Running",
"room": "room 2",
"startTime": 1729337784
let json = try #require(jsonString.data(using: .utf8))
let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
// jsonDecoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .iso8601
let activity = try jsonDecoder.decode(NeoPrototypeActivity.self, from: json)
#expect(activity.classId == "1234")
#expect(activity.name == "Indoor Running")
but even with using the default JSON decoder date format, I still get the same error.
Not sure how to fix this or to get more details.
With iOS 18, Text has a new initializer that takes in a TimeDataSource and a DiscreteFormatStyle.
Similar to this question, I'd like to make a compact timer but can't find a way to do that with any of the system formats.
Since the new API takes in a DiscreteFormatStyle though I figure I could make my own. This works in an app but not in a Live Activity; in Previews it crashes and in the simulator the view looks like placeholder.
Are custom format styles not supported in this case? Or might there something wrong with my implementation?
Preview Crash Log
When I reboot my iPhone 14 pro with Live Activity started, KeyChain information disappears.
So there is a problem that I have to sign-in again when I enter the app.
There is no problem rebooting the iPhone without Live Activity.
iOS17 didn't have this problem.
When I reboot my iPhone 14 pro with Live Activity started, Keychase information disappears.
So there is a problem that I have to sign-in again when I enter the app.
There is no problem rebooting the iPhone without Live Activity.
iOS17 didn't have this problem.
There seems to be a misalignment when using VoiceOver and selecting the leading/trailing regions in the expanded presentation for Live Activities. This is demonstrated with an extremely basic sample project, where the expanded region is defined by the following code:
DynamicIsland {
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.leading) {
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.trailing) {
DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.bottom) {
Text("Bottom \(context.state.emoji)")
Is this simply a bug or am I doing something incorrectly/is there a workaround?
working on customising my live activity Smart Stack layout for ios18.
A thing that is very frustrating is that I consistently looks different for me in the Xcode preview and on the actual watch.
See attached screenshots below.
The sizes are different, and italic doesn't work on the watch, for example.
It makes it time-consuming and unpredictable, so I was wondering if this is a known issue or if I'm doing something wrong, and also can I do anything?
edit: this is the layout:
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .center, spacing:4) {
HStack(alignment: .center) {
IconView(resource: "n-compact-w", bgColor: Color.checkedIn, padding: 2, paddingRight: 6, paddingBottom: 6)
.frame(maxWidth: 25, maxHeight: 25).aspectRatio(1, contentMode: .fit)
Text("Checked Out")