




Core ML Async API Seems to Not Work Properly
I'm experiencing issues with the Core ML Async API, as it doesn't seem to be working correctly. It consistently hangs during the "03 performInference, after get smallInput, before prediction" part, as shown in the attached: log1.txt log2.txt Below is my code. Could you please advise on how I should modify it? private func createFrameAsync(for sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer ) { guard let pixelBuffer = sampleBuffer.imageBuffer else { return } Task { print("**** createFrameAsync before performInference") do { try await runModelAsync(on: pixelBuffer) } catch { print("Error processing frame: \(error)") } print("**** createFrameAsync after performInference") } } func runModelAsync(on pixelbuffer: CVPixelBuffer) async { print("01 performInference, before resizeFrame") guard let data = metalResizeFrame(sourcePixelFrame: pixelbuffer, targetSize: MTLSize.init(width: InputWidth, height: InputHeight, depth: 1), resizeMode: .scaleToFill) else { os_log("Preprocessing failed", type: .error) return } print("02 performInference, after resizeFrame, before get smallInput") let input = model_smallInput(input: data) print("03 performInference, after get smallInput, before prediction") if let prediction = try? await mlmodel!.model.prediction(from: input) { print("04 performInference, after prediction, before get result") var results: [Float] = [] let output = prediction.featureValue(for: "output")?.multiArrayValue if let bufferPointer = try? UnsafeBufferPointer<Float>(output!) { results = Array(bufferPointer) } print("05 performInference, after get result, before setRenderData") let localResults = results await { ScreenRecorder.shared .setRenderDataNormalized( screenImage: pixelbuffer, depthData: localResults ) } print("06 performInference, after setRenderData") } }
Core ML Model Performance report shows prediction speed much faster than actual app runs
Hi all, I'm tuning my app prediction speed with Core ML model. I watched and tried the methods in video: Improve Core ML integration with async prediction and Optimize your Core ML usage. I also use instruments to look what's the bottleneck that my prediction speed cannot be faster. Below is the instruments result with my app. its prediction duration is 10.29ms And below is performance report shows the average speed of prediction is 5.55ms, that is about half time of my app prediction! Below is part of my instruments records. I think the prediction should be considered quite frequent. Could it be faster? How to be the same prediction speed as performance report? The prediction speed on macbook Pro M2 is nearly the same as macbook Air M1!
How to make iPad app move to display show full-screen and center align
I wrote an app that can show live streaming. When using iPad, I can connect an external display and move app to display, that I can do what I want on my iPad and watch live streaming on external display using cable. But app moving to display is not always full screen, and on some displays it shows larger than the external display range that I should go to Settings -> Display & Brightness -> External Display -> Switching "Allow Display Mode Changes" to fix this issue. Are there APIs to make the App "move to display" programmatically, keep app full-screen, matching the external display's resolution on the External display?
Sep ’24
Speed up the conversion of MV-HEVC to Side-by-side
I have read the Converting side-by-side 3D video to multi-view HEVC and spatial video, now I want to convert back to side-by-side 3D video. On iPhone 15 Pro MAX, the converting time is about 1:1 as the original video length. I do almost the same as the article mentioned above, the only difference is I get the frames from Spatial video, merging into Side-by-side. Currently my code merging the frame wrote as below. Is any suggestion to speed up the process? Or in the official article, is there anything that we can do to speed up the conversion? // Merge frame let leftCI = resizeCVPixelBufferFill(bufferLeft, targetSize: targetSize) let rightCI = resizeCVPixelBufferFill(bufferRight, targetSize: targetSize) let lbuffer = convertCIImageToCVPixelBuffer(leftCI!)! let rbuffer = convertCIImageToCVPixelBuffer(rightCI!)! pixelBuffer = mergeFrames(lbuffer, rbuffer)
Sep ’24
View Matrix in Metal "Game" Sample code
I tried to understand the view matrix. The part from original code as below: private func updateGameState() { /// Update any game state before rendering uniforms[0].projectionMatrix = projectionMatrix let rotationAxis = SIMD3<Float>(1, 1, 0) let modelMatrix = matrix4x4_rotation(radians: rotation, axis: rotationAxis) let viewMatrix = matrix4x4_translation(0.0, 0.0, -8.0) uniforms[0].modelViewMatrix = simd_mul(viewMatrix, modelMatrix) rotation += 0.01 } If the view matrix is initialed in x = -0.5, as:let viewMatrix = matrix4x4_translation(-0.5, 0.0, -8.0) The cube in the MetalView will move left. I think it should move to right hand side because View Matrix is camera position, am I wrong?
Aug ’24
Spatial Video captured quality using the API differs from that of the iPhone's built-in camera app
I tried "WWDC24: Build compelling spatial photo and video experiences | Apple" and it can successfully capture spatial video. But I found the video by my app differs from the iPhone build-in camera app in: Videos captured with the iPhone's build-in camera app tend to have a more natural or warmer tone, while videos taken with my app appear whiter or cooler in color temperature. In videos recorded using the iPhone's built-in camera app, the left eye image is typically sharper than the right eye image. However, in my app, this is reversed: the right eye image is clearer than the left eye image. I've noticed that when I cover the wide-angle lens while shooting, the entire preview screen in my app becomes brighter. However, this doesn't occur when using the iPhone's built-in camera app. Is there any api or parameters to make my app more close to the iPhone build-in app? I have tried "whiteBalanceMode" and "exposureMode" but no luck.
Aug ’24