




Reply to Unable to present. Please file a bug.
Hi all - has anyone seen an actual fix for this issue? iPadOS 14.7 still exhibits this behavior in my apps. The multiple NavigationLinks in a single view appear to work on my iPhone app, but break on iPad and Mac Catalyst. The EmptyView() workaround doesn't work for me. And I'm not interested in rewriting my entire navigation over this. I've filed a bug, but haven't heard anything back from Apple. Has anyone heard back from the bugs they've filed? This is super frustrating!
Jul ’21
Reply to SwiftUI NavigationLink pops out by itself
@TheXs2490 How would this work if View1 looked like this: struct View1: View{ var body: some View{ LazyVGrid(columns: gridLayout, spacing: 10) { ForEach(Array(person.item! as! Set<Item>).sorted { $! > $! }, id: \.self) { (item: Item) in NavigationLink(destination: View2(){ Text("Navigate") } } } } } I can't get it to compile properly if the if self.KeepView2 is right before the NavigationLink. And if I put it before the LazyVGrid, it won't display the contents of the ForEach Array. Thanks!
Aug ’21