




Mac AppStore Stuck in Review due to Meta Data Policy
At what stage do you just abort a review and create a new submission? I've run into a "not-so-stellar" reviewer on a rather minor update. First it was rejected based on two grounds: an allegedly non-working feature meta data mentioning an allegedly pre-release feature After pointing out the wrongly tested feature (left me speechless) and providing public evidence of the feature not being pre-release, the reviewer reverted to "in-review" to confirm the policy on the meta data. It's now been a week. Since there is no way to communicate or poke anyone... What's the best course of action? Just abort the current review, and submit a new version in hope to get a better reviewer? How do you deal with these kind of situations? This is such a frustrating process.
Jul ’22
Supporting Continuity Camera
To support Continuity Camera I am creating a special NSMenuItem with item.identifier = NSMenuItem.importFromDeviceIdentifier When the menu is selected I would suspect the event to trigger Continuity Camera and then provide the data via responder chain to the NSViewController class MainViewController : NSViewController {    override func validRequestor(forSendType sendType: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType?, returnType: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType?) -> Any? {     print("validRequestor")     if let pasteboardType = returnType, NSImage.imageTypes.contains(pasteboardType.rawValue) {       return self     } else {       return super.validRequestor(forSendType: sendType, returnType: returnType)     }   } But given that this is not triggering anything I am wondering what I might be missing. Any pointers?
Mar ’22
Install old app versions from the App Store
Is it possible to somehow install an older version from the Mac App Store? We got a new release out. It has bug and I want to quickly allow the customer to test it and solve his pain of a non-working version. Ideally I would just tell him "install the old version while we fix it" - but there doesn't seem to be a way to install the old version. Wasn't there at some stage? I could add him as external tester - but that needs a review loop. Why oh why? Adding him as internal tester doesn't seem right either. He is not "internal". I am really worried about the options here. This is painful. What's the best way to deal with this?
Feb ’22
Shortcut is failing to run via Scripting Bridge
I've taken the code from the WWDC video and are trying to run a shortcut via ScriptingBridge: import ScriptingBridge @objc protocol ShortcutsEvents {   @objc optional var shortcuts: SBElementArray { get } } @objc protocol Shortcut {   @objc optional var name: String { get }   @objc optional func run(withInput: Any?) -> Any? } extension SBApplication: ShortcutsEvents {} extension SBObject: Shortcut {} and guard let app: ShortcutsEvents = SBApplication(bundleIdentifier: ""), let shortcuts = app.shortcuts else { throw "error" } print("getting short") guard let shortcut = shortcuts.object(withName: shortcutName) as? Shortcut else { throw "error" } print("running short", shortcut) let res = input) print("shotcut result", res ?? "nil") While I am getting the shortcut object just fine running short <SBObject @0x6000035c8e40: <class 'srct'> "append" of application "Shortcuts Events" (16450)> running it, just does nothing and returns nil shotcut result nil Running the shortcut via cli works as expected. I (hopefully) have set the entitlements correctly but I am feeling a little stumped not to even get an error at all. What am I doing wrong there?
Jan ’22