




Mac OS 15 Beta iPhone mirroring
there is suppose to be a special feature to run your iPhone on the MAC desktop. However the apps that is suppose to be in the dock as an icon doesn't seem to exist. Looks so easy in the keynote video. Any one else having solved this thank you
Jun ’24
visionPro simulator
what happened to the visionPro simulator after installing xCode 15.0 release condidate the visionPro simulator is gone and reinstalling xCode 15 Beta 8 its no longer configurable very disappointing interruption of preparing and adjusting projects
Sep ’23
Xcode 15 Beta 3- 6 .scn and .dae file crash
is any one else having issues with game scene-view .dae and or .scn files it seems these new beta release is very incompatible with files that work perfect with previous Xcode releases up to Xcode 14 I'm working on upgrading a simple striped down version of my chess game and run in to strange and bogus errors messages and crashes /Users/helmut/Desktop/schachGame8423/schach2023/scntool:1:1 failed to convert file with failure reason: *** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0] all tools reality converter exporting the .dae file to other graphic files working fine as in prior Xcode releases but some thing is missing in current beta release of Xcode 15
Aug ’23
SceneKit Xcode 15 Beta3
Previously art work used and porting a complex 3D mechanical Clock I am running into constant build errors using my previous art work .scn files I had some success converting my .usdz original to .scn file some convert but most just being in the art folder of the build environment cause this crash and are no longer compatible I use the same art work of gears and parts in UNITY build environment without any build issues most of my clocks have up to 35 different interacting parts These are replicas of classical clock mechanism Is any one else having problems with similar .scn files [?]
Jul ’23
Xcode 15 Beta3 sceneKit templet
I am getting 4 warnings compiling the current template of sceneKit game /Users/helmut/Documents/spaceTime/scntool:1:1 Could not find bundle inside /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools any idea why the bundle is not installed I did a new download twice now still stuck getting these warnings about bundles not installed or not found any solution to correct the download install so the base dependencies are present thank you
Jul ’23
AR chess game example code WWW2022 conference
private let boardAnchor: AnchorEntity = AnchorEntity( *Argument passed to call that takes no arguments plane: .horizontal, *Cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'horizontal' classification: [.floor, .table], *2Reference to member 'floor' cannot be resolved without a contextual type minimumBounds: SIMD2(0.1, 0.1)     ) how can this be fixed in the demo code of the chess game example capture chess swift presented at WWW2022 session AR experience any help highly apprishiated
Jun ’22
Upgrade for 10.15 shuts down restarts but doesn't upgrade
I have done the last upgrade to 10.15.4 in the last 3 days my mac book notifies upgrade available but when i proceed to upgrade now:it only shuts down restarts and nothing else happened, any one experiancing the same and what is going on. When attempting to deploy xCode new debug apps toiPhone i get a notification xcode not compatible with this new Beta Release of this device.I did an upgrade three days ago when receiving upgrade notification for iOS 13.4 latest beta.On the download section for developer is says now OS beta version available.Anny one any answer highly apprechiated
Mar ’20