IOS App on Mac - minimum
does this require Apple Silcon?
if so, do I need Catalyst to have app run on Intel?
First priority, make it run on Mac
I develop on M1, but assuming still lots of Intel out there,
Thanks very much for replying.
No, I have not moved the schema to production. Do I do this in the CloudKit console?
I found someone who had suggested his problem was adding the clout kit entitlement to debug and not release. I have not yet successfully figured out how to specify release vs debug on the archive or in the settings.
I would be fine to have mine be just production/private, so that users only see their own data. At present, I am only trying to let users see their data on all their devices. Apparently my data currently lives in Development. Will investigate how to get it into the production side. Any hits on that appreciated. As I am ready to submit, just cleaning up screenshots, and this seems it should be relative easy to fix if I can figure out which switches I need to turn on and where.
Great, thanks!!