




Persist navigation paths in NavigationSplitView with NavigationStacks
I have an SwiftUI iOS app that uses TabView to display 4 different NavigationStacks. Each stack can be navigated into. To make this app work better on iPad OS I'd like to use a NavigationSplitView with a sidebar and a detail view. The sidebar contains a menu with the 4 items that are tabs on iOS. The detail view should contain individual NavigationStacks that should retain their view paths. After having played around with it a bit it seems to me that NavigationSplitView is not meant to be used that way. The detail view resets every time I select another menu item in the sidebar. I've tried retaining the individual navigation paths (as @States) in my root view and passing them into the individual NavigationStack when creating the detail view. However, it seems like NavigationSplitView is resetting the path whenever you switch to another menu item. Has anybody figured this out?
Nov ’23
Tapping into the Apple Translate app
Hey guys, I saw that both the Mona (Mastodon client) and the Telegram app offer translations on post through the click of a button. They both offer to select "Apple Translate" as a translation service. Both apps are available through the App Store. I'm wondering how they're doing it :) I couldn't find an official, public API to tap into the LTUITranslationViewController they're presenting. On the other hand they've both run through the app review process and using private APIs should have thrown a red flag. I thought that they may have setup a custom shortcut through which they trigger the Apple Translate app, but there are no shortcuts by these apps in the Shortcuts app. This is what shows up when you hit the "Translate" button on a post:
Nov ’23
CoreML model only runs on CPU
Hey guys, I converted a T5-base (encoder/decoder) model to a CoreML model using (which are using coremltools under the hood). When creating a performance report for the decoder model within XCode it shows that all compute units are mapped to the CPU. This is also the experience I have when profiling the model (GPU and ANE are not used). I was under the impression that CoreML would divide up the layers and run those that can run on the GPU / ANE, but maybe I misunderstood. Is there anything I can do to get this to not run on the CPU exclusively?
May ’23
accessibilityTextHeadingLevel not working in NSAttributedString
Hey guys, I have an NSAttributedString within my app (created from HTML). I assign this string to a UITextView. I would like certain parts of that text to be marked with an 'header' accessibility trait (all the headlines in that text) so that voice over can identify them properly. I was under the impression that I can just use accessibilityTextHeadingLevel to do so, but the text in that given range is still setup with the 'text' accessibility trait: var myString = NSMutableAttributedString(...) let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: 44) myString.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.accessibilityTextHeadingLevel, value: 1, range: range) How is accessibilityTextHeadingLevel supposed to work?
Sep ’21
.sheet takes seconds to open
Hey guys, I'm having a performance problem with SwiftUI. In my main view I have a typical ScrollView with a VStack that contains rows of scrollable HStacks (pretty much like the 'For you' screen of the Photos app). When the user clicks on one of the items displayed in the stacks a sheet should open. However, opening the sheet takes 2-3 seconds. I have already run the app through instruments and there is no immediate performance issue within my code: no new views are created within the 'View Body' row (except the one view used in the .sheet) nothing in TimeProfile - all the heavy, time-consuming stuff shows to be system libraries The CoreAnimation Commits row shows a lot of activity in AG::Subgraph::update within the "View Properties" row I can also see a lot of activity within my main view (e.g. lots of calls like 'IdentityLink in SystmeContextMenuContainer updated from ...') starting the moment I try to open the .sheet. It seems like there is some hardcore CoreAnimation going on in the background - is this due to the fact that the main view is scaled down a little and animated to the background when showing a modal dialogue on iOS? However, I would expect iOS to just take a snapshot of the main view and not run through the entire rendering graph. Two additional things I noticed: I get some performance improvements when I remove a .contextMenu ViewModifier I created and which I add to each item in the list. when using iOS14's .fullScreenCover instead of .sheet the modal opens without any delay
Sep ’20
Use SF Symbols in iOS 12
Hey guys,I am designing an app that will be available on both iOS. Unfortunatly, I cannot go iOS13-only and will still have to support iOS12. So I have a question regarding the licensing of SF Symbols:1. Is it allowed to export the Symbols I use in iOS 13 as SVGs through the official "SF Symbols" app, convert them to PDFs in e.g. Sketch and then import them as an asset in XCode to be used on devices that run iOS < 13?Cheers,Sebastian
Apr ’20
Silent Background Notifications won't keep app awake
Hey guys,unfortunately, I'm also struggling to get silent remote notifications to work within my iOS app. By means of the Console I have gotten as far as having assessed that the silent notifications actually make it to my device. From the logs I can see that my app seems to actually get started for a millisecond (running-active - role: Background) but then gets put back to "suspended" state. I have attached a log at the bottom.It seems that SpringBoard starts my app due to the silent push notification but the system kills the app right away for some reason so that the callbackfunc application(_: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any], fetchCompletionHandlercompletionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void)is never called.What works is starting the app with the "wait for the executable to be launched" scheme flag set and then sending the push notification. That actually triggers an app start and gives me the push notifications values in the launchOptions.Is this an expected behaviour? Since I don't have any Background modes active (aside from "Remote notifications") my app should get suspended pretty much right away when the user minimizes it, correct? In that case the silent push notification would always run throughfunc application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Booland didReceiveRemoteNotification would never get called. Or am I missing something?Here's the console log:Cheersdefault23:27:06.491141+0100SpringBoardReceived incoming message on topic at priority 1default23:27:06.494962+0100SpringBoard[] Received remote notification request 20CB-40C3 [ waking: 0, hasAlertContent: 0, hasSound: 0 hasBadge: 0 hasContentAvailable: 1 hasMutableContent: 0 pushType: Background]default23:27:06.495012+0100SpringBoard[] Process delivery of push notification 20CB-40C3default23:27:06.495052+0100SpringBoard[] Request DUET delivers content-available push notification to applicationdefault23:27:06.495398+0100SpringBoardGetting effectiveSectionInfo for section identifier: de.myapp.appdefault23:27:06.495445+0100SpringBoard[] Getting effective section infodefault23:27:06.496212+0100dasdSubmitted Activity: at priority 5 <private>default23:27:06.496258+0100SpringBoard[] Got effective section info [ hasResult: 1 ][{name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.36}}] sumScores:93.828182, denominator:97.010000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.967201}default23:27:06.504497+0100dasd'' DecisionToRun: 1 (Bypasses Predictions)[{name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.36}}] sumScores:93.828182, denominator:97.010000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.967201}default23:27:06.506589+0100dasd[FBSSystemService][0xa606] Sending request to open ""default23:27:06.511280+0100SpringBoard[FBSystemService][0xa606] Received request to open "" from dasd:146.default23:27:06.511668+0100SpringBoardReceived trusted open application request for "" from <FBProcess: 0x280f59ce0; daemon<>:146>.default23:27:06.528820+0100SpringBoardExecuting request: <SBMainWorkspaceTransitionRequest: 0x281b4f980; eventLabel: OpenApplication(; display: Main; source: FBSystemService>default23:27:06.540025+0100SpringBoardExecuting suspended-activation immediately: OpenApplication( <FBApplicationProcess: 0x125b72b30; application<>:-1>default23:27:06.541079+0100SpringBoardBootstrapping application<> with intent background-utilitydefault23:27:06.543560+0100runningboarddAcquiring assertion targeting application<> from originator [daemon<>:57] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor; FBApplicationProcess; ID: 27-57-684; target: application<>> attributes = { <RBSRunningReasonAttribute: 0x141f67800; runningReason: 10000>; <RBSPreventIdleSleepGrant: 0x141f50260>; <RBSDefineRelativeStartTimeGrant: 0x141f60d00>; <RBSGPUAccessGrant: 0x141f5d6b0>; <RBSCPUAccessGrant: 0x141f5a920; role: Background>;}default23:27:06.543629+0100runningboarddAssertion 27-57-684 (target:application<>) will be created as activedefault23:27:06.543962+0100runningboarddExecuting launch request for application<> (FBApplicationProcess)default23:27:06.544199+0100runningboarddSubmitting job: <RBLaunchdJob: 0x14312c410;[8921][rb-legacy]>default23:27:06.548104+0100runningboarddStarted job[8921][rb-legacy]default23:27:06.550736+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] This process will be managed.default23:27:06.551054+0100runningboarddNow tracking process: [application<>:481]default23:27:06.552365+0100runningboarddCalculated state for application<>: running-active (role: Background)default23:27:06.552647+0100powerdProcess runningboardd.27 Created SystemIsActive "application<>27-57-684:FBApplicationProcess" age:00:00:00 id:51539644555 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]default23:27:06.552696+0100SpringBoard[application<>:481] Bootstrap success!default23:27:06.552894+0100runningboarddFinished acquiring assertion 27-57-684 (target:application<>)default23:27:06.554378+0100SpringBoard[application<>:481] Setting process task state to: Runningdefault23:27:06.556840+0100runningboarddAcquiring assertion targeting application<>( from originator [daemon<>:57] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor; "injecting ""-"" to 481<>"; ID: 27-57-685; target: 481<>> attributes = { <RBSHereditaryGrant: 0x141e53870> { endowmentNamespace =; hasEncodedEndowment = YES; };}default23:27:06.556886+0100runningboarddAssertion 27-57-685 (target:application<>( will be created as activedefault23:27:06.558032+0100runningboarddFinished acquiring assertion 27-57-685 (target:application<>( state for application<>: running-active (role: Background)default23:27:06.558139+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Set jetsam priority to 0 [0] flag[1]default23:27:06.558188+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Resuming task.default23:27:06.558396+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Set darwin role to: Backgrounddefault23:27:06.558444+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Set GPU priority to "allow"default23:27:06.559346+0100mediaserverd-CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '481' is now Background Running. Background entitlement: NO ActiveLongFormVideoSession: NO WhitelistedLongFormVideoApp NOdefault23:27:06.559395+0100mediaserverd-CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Sending stop command to with pid '481' because client is not allowed to play in the background AND does not continue AirPlaying video when device locksdefault23:27:06.561075+0100SpringBoardApplication process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x2830ee0c0; pid: 481; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>default23:27:06.564039+0100runningboarddAcquiring assertion targeting application<> from originator [daemon<>:146] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor;; ID: 27-146-686; target: 481> attributes = { <RBSLegacyAttribute: 0x141d56150; requestedReason: BackgroundContentFetching; reason: BackgroundContentFetching; flags: PreventTaskSuspend>; <RBSAcquisitionCompletionAttribute: 0x141d5f610; policy: 0>;}default23:27:06.564093+0100runningboarddAssertion 27-146-686 (target:application<>) will be created as inactive as start-time-defining assertions existdefault23:27:06.564564+0100runningboarddFinished acquiring assertion 27-146-686 (target:application<>)default23:27:06.603030+0100EU 2020Identity resolved as application<>default23:27:06.605624+0100backboarddConnection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:57E9CCED-52BE-4D2F-87CB-CA580CBCF52F pid:481 process:EU 2020 type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 384 attributes:{ HighFrequency = 1; bundleID = ""; pid = 481;} inactive:1 events:0 mask:0x0default23:27:06.607364+0100SpringBoard[application<>:481] Launch complete.default23:27:06.613198+0100runningboarddAcquiring assertion targeting application<> from originator [daemon<>:57] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor; "Subordinate Process"; ID: 27-57-687; target: 481> attributes = { <RBSSubordinateProcessAttribute: 0x141d55d00>;}default23:27:06.613497+0100runningboarddAssertion 27-57-687 (target:application<>) will be created as activedefault23:27:06.616631+0100runningboarddCalculated state for application<>: running-active (role: Background)default23:27:06.616676+0100runningboarddFinished acquiring assertion 27-57-687 (target:application<>)default23:27:06.618202+0100SpringBoard[] Scene lifecycle state did change: Backgrounddefault23:27:06.618304+0100SpringBoard[] Sending scene action [Logical Activate][0x45f1] through WorkspaceServer: 0x282d15000default23:27:06.618406+0100SpringBoard[] Scene activity state did change: BackgroundActive.default23:27:06.620224+0100runningboarddAcquiring assertion targeting application<> from originator [daemon<>:57] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor; "FBScene (BackgroundActive) <>"; ID: 27-57-688; target: 481> attributes = { <RBSRunningReasonAttribute: 0x141f62260; runningReason: 10001>; <RBSDefineRelativeStartTimeGrant: 0x141f5c4b0>; <RBSGPUAccessGrant: 0x141f63ed0>; <RBSCPUAccessGrant: 0x141f61140; role: NonUserInteractive>; <RBSJetsamPriorityGrant: 0x141f531b0; priority: Background>; <RBSDurationAttribute: 0x141f5c470; invalidationDuration: 20.00; warningDuration: 0.00; startPolicy: Fixed; endPolicy: Invalidate>; <RBSResistTerminationGrant: 0x141f5c4a0; terminationResistance: NonInteractive>;}default23:27:06.620421+0100runningboarddAssertion 27-57-688 (target:application<>) will be created as activedefault23:27:06.620785+0100SpringBoard[application<>:481] Setting process visibility to: Backgrounddefault23:27:06.621525+0100SpringBoard[] Now connected: sending pended scene actions.default23:27:06.622172+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Set jetsam priority to 3 [0] flag[1]default23:27:06.622217+0100runningboarddCalculated state for application<>: running-active (role: NonUserInteractive)default23:27:06.622267+0100runningboarddFinished acquiring assertion 27-57-688 (target:application<>)default23:27:06.622864+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Set darwin role to: NonUserInteractivedefault23:27:06.623975+0100SpringBoardApplication process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x283668e40; pid: 481; taskState: Running; visibility: Background>default23:27:06.625063+0100SpringBoardApplication process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x283652ec0; pid: 481; taskState: Running; visibility: Background>default23:27:06.707652+0100EU 2020[] Setting badge number to 0default23:27:06.708309+0100locationd{"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"DaemonClient", "id":"0x11f68e6b0", "property":"clientName", "old":"", "new":""}default23:27:06.708883+0100locationdClient connected with message name LocationManager/kCLConnectionMessageRegistrationdefault23:27:06.710964+0100SpringBoard[] Setting badge to (null) [ old badge: (null) ]default23:27:06.711088+0100SpringBoardClient "<BSProcessHandle: 0x2823fca40; SpringBoard:57; valid: YES>" is requesting to change the badge value of to (null)default23:27:06.711297+0100EU 2020[] Set badge number [ hasCompletionHandler: 0 hasError: 0 ]default23:27:06.711383+0100SpringBoardClient "<>" set the badge value of to (null)default23:27:06.714476+0100locationd{"msg":"update client authorization mask", "name":"", "old":0, "new":0, "localAuthorizationChange":1}default23:27:06.725384+0100runningboarddInvalidating assertion 27-146-686 (target:application<>) from originator 146default23:27:06.727555+0100locationd{"msg":"#PersistentSubscription PersistenceBackend removeAllPersistedDataForSubscription", "clientKey":"", "storageName":"VisitMonitoring"}default23:27:06.729938+0100dasdCOMPLETED at priority 5 <private>!default23:27:06.730041+0100dasdNO LONGER RUNNING ...Tasks running in group [] are 0!default23:27:06.738327+0100SpringBoard[] Scene action [Logical Activate][0x45f1] completed with success: 1default23:27:06.739120+0100SpringBoard[] Scene activity state did change: BackgroundInactive.default23:27:06.739523+0100runningboarddInvalidating assertion 27-57-688 (target:application<>) from originator 57default23:27:06.835628+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Set jetsam priority to 0 [0] flag[1]default23:27:06.835776+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Set darwin role to: Backgrounddefault23:27:06.835855+0100runningboarddCalculated state for application<>: running-active (role: Background)default23:27:07.663908+0100runningboarddInvalidating assertion 27-57-684 (target:application<>) from originator 57default23:27:07.774523+0100runningboarddRemoved last relative-start-date-defining assertion for process application<>default23:27:07.777987+0100runningboarddCalculated state for application<>: running-suspended (role: None)default23:27:07.778116+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Suspending task.default23:27:07.781121+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Shutdown sockets (SVC)default23:27:07.781337+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Set darwin role to: Nonedefault23:27:07.781575+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Set GPU priority to "deny"default23:27:07.786770+0100runningboardd[application<>:481] Shutdown sockets (ALL)default23:27:07.788186+0100SpringBoard[application<>:481] Setting process task state to: Suspendeddefault23:27:07.788307+0100SpringBoardApplication process state changed for <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x2837b5380; pid: 481; taskState: Suspended; visibility: Background>default23:27:07.789727+0100powerdProcess runningboardd.27 Released SystemIsActive "application<>27-57-684:FBApplicationProcess" age:00:00:01 id:51539644555 [System: PrevIdle]default23:27:07.790122+0100mediaserverd-CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client with pid '481' is now Background Suspended. Background entitlement: NO ActiveLongFormVideoSession: NO WhitelistedLongFormVideoApp NOdefault23:27:07.790180+0100mediaserverd-CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Sending stop command to with pid '481' because client is background suspended and there is no AirPlay video session for itdefault23:27:07.796139+0100locationdClient disconnected
Mar ’20