Hi, a user of our app is getting this error when creating a CKShare. In our tests we are having no issues with syncing with iCloud or creating a CKShare so we are unable to reproduce... Please anyone have any idea what this error is and, how to fix it or at least how to troubleshoot it?
Hi! In the WWDC keynote for object capture, at 17:38, they drag and edit the bounds of the object. Please can someone guide me how to do this or how to get started? Is there any kind of sample code anywhere for editing bounds?
Will SharePlay be added later? Will there be another shareplay profile we can download with an upcoming beta?
I'm able to see there is an ability to send or receive an invite but when it's initiated nothing happens.
I'm on macOS Monterey beta 8, Xcode 13.0. When creating a brand new iOS project, then checking 'Mac' to add catalyst app, I'm not able to choose macOS 12.0. How do I make Mac Catalyst app for macOS 12.0 as the minimum? I'm using macOS Monterey new API's and they are not available when I select macOS 11.3.
Hi Apple, please help!
In MacOS Monterey betas 2-5, I was able to run GroupActivities on my Mac Catalyst app. When running my app with GroupActivities on MacOS Monterey beta 7, I get an error:
"GroupActivities is not available when building for Mac Catalyst. Consider using #if !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst) to conditionally import this framework when building for iOS."
No such module 'GroupActivities'
Is SharePlay going to be available for Mac Catalyst in an upcoming beta?
Apple please help. The iOS/iPadOS 15 RC disables shareplay. MacOS Beta 6 was never able to run shareplay. Downloading a SharePlay profile has been removed from developer.apple.com. Please instruct what to do.
Before adding the sandbox entitlement to the exec file, the app ran perfectly. After adding the entitlement properties below, I get an error:
my.sh: line 2: 41382 Killed: 9 $1 $2 "$3" $4 "$5"
Entitlement properties added:
I'm signing with my Apple Development identity. I tried also by signing with my 3rd Party Mac Developer Application.
Lastly, I am running this exec through a plugin, I don't know if that could be the cause of the error. Please help.
Running on macOS Big Sur (11.0.1), the code below perfectly loads and displays images, pdfs, html in a WKWebview but not docx or other files. I would like to preview files selected in my Mac app.
I get this error:
WebPageProxy::didFailProvisionalLoadForFrame: frameID = 3, domain = WebKitErrorDomain, code = 102
Please can someone help? Thank you.
import Cocoa
import WebKit
class ViewController: NSViewController {@IBOutlet weak var webView: WKWebView!
let url = "https://filesamples.com/samples/document/docx/sample3.docx"override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: url)!)
I was going to click the down arrow and went too quickly and clicked the green checkbox to an answer, now I can't remove the wrong answer. How do I remove the green checkbox?
Hi, if I create a very simple app that just loads a 2 page PDF with PDFKit, where the size of the view is the entire screen, I'm not able to scroll the PDF up and down. This is an issue because I have a title bar and navigation buttons at the bottom and I need to scroll the PDF up so I can see the bottom of the PDF page.
PDF scrolling bug. I created PDFView on whole screen and set pdfview’s content inset as (100,0,100,0). So when app is launched, PDFView should be scrollable to show top and bottom area of PDF because I set content inset. But it isn’t scrollable at this scale. If you zoom in a little, then PDFView become scrollable.
Here's the exact code I added to the ViewController on a new project.
Is this a bug in PDFKit or is there a way to add padding on the top and bottom?
pdfview.pageBreakMargins = .zero
pdfview.pageShadowsEnabled = false
pdfview.document = pdfdoc
pdfview.autoScales = false
pdfview.scaleFactor = (UIScreen.main.bounds.height - 100) / (792 * 2)
(pdfview.subviews[0] as? UIScrollView)?.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never
(pdfview.subviews[0] as? UIScrollView)?.contentInset.top = 100
(pdfview.subviews[0] as? UIScrollView)?.contentInset.bottom = 100
(pdfview.subviews[0] as? UIScrollView)?.verticalScrollIndicatorInsets.top = 100
(pdfview.subviews[0] as? UIScrollView)?.verticalScrollIndicatorInsets.bottom = 100
Right now after scribble is complete, the drawing disappears. Am I able to keep the drawing if I add a UIScribbleInteraction to PencilKit for example? That way I can get the handwriting translation and keep the pencilkit drawing.
If I have a path of a draw handwritten drawing from iOS 13, can I send that through to scribble to get the text? Or does scribble only work with live drawing?
PencilKit in iOS 14 says users will be able to select handwritten text and copy and paste as typed text. Currently I can copy the handwritten text but there is only 'copy' and if I copy, there's no option to paste as text anywhere or any other app. it just tries to paste a picture of my handwriting. When I run sample codes I don't see the ability to paste as text. How do I do this?