I fixed it by:
Going to Window > Devices and Simulators, Clicking the device and checking 'Connect via Network'
Unplugging the device
Quitting Xcode
Plugging the device back in
Relaunching Xcode
Going back to Window > Devices and Simulators and verifying the check for 'Connect via Network' was still on
Please help Apple! The shareplay profile has been removed from developer.apple.com and there is currently no way to shareplay.
I just downloaded macOS monterey beta 6 and shareplay does not work even with the new shareplay profile. I hope a fix is on the way for Mac users.
Thank you for clarifying. Which handwriting recognition engine is Apple recommending developers choose to go with?
Am I understanding you correctly? ... If I add an UIIndirectScribbleInteraction on a PKCanvasView, can I keep the drawing strokes on the canvas and then capture the Scribble also at the same time?