It sounds like, as long as you have got full permission/agreement from Tesla, then you are good to go.
Simply provide evidence of that agreement, to Apple.
If you don't yet have that agreement, then you need to talk to Tesla.
Slushy snow.
What Wikipedia refers to as "Rain and snow mixed".
It's not going to happen.
If ' appears in a URL, it must be url-encoded.
For ' try %27
For more info, see
In a lot of these spam messages, the poster immediately replies to their own question (possibly more than once), then marks their response as the correct answer.
This increases their reputation points, and may attract more people to click on their posts.
But surely it also makes this kind of spamming behaviour easy to spot?
And prevent?
Apple don't provide a way of getting the signal strength quality.
I am amazed at your ingenious workaround, to retrieve it from the StatusBar...
...but I'm not surprised that Apple have now closed that loophole.
Your attempt to get "localStatusBar" from "statusBarManager" is failing, so I guess this is no longer available.
Not really.
You might be able to use a very old version of Xcode...
...but this would be so far behind the current state of the art, that you would struggle to find relevant resources, and would be unable to deploy to recent devices.
I would advise using the current version of Xcode (14), and getting a mac (possibly used) which is capable of running that.
Xcode 14 requires macOS Monterey or above, so you're looking at:
MacBook Pro introduced in 2015 or later
MacBook Air introduced in 2015 or later
MacBook introduced in 2016 or later
Mac mini introduced in 2014 or later
iMac introduced in late 2015 or later
iMac Pro
Mac Studio
Mac Pro introduced in 2013 or later
I'm afraid this is not possible.
This is a setting on the user's device, so it is not something that is under the Developer's control.
Some useful information here:
Your technique is very dangerous, because sooner or later, one of your arrays will be a different size, then the app will crash.
Why not gather the different data items into a struct...
struct MyData {
let date: String
let interval: String
let duration: String
let time: String
...and then use an array of that struct.
Also, when you name things, the name should reflect the type of that thing, so:
let date: Date
let interval: TimeInterval
...then, you can take advantage of all of Xcode's built-in functionality for comparing and operating on those types.
Try a quick Internet search...
There are lots of explanations for how to do this.
The Developer must send you an invitation to test their app, and you click on the email link to open TestFlight, and then access the app.
Is this what you have done?
As you say, this feature already exists in Xcode.
One advantage of having it in Xcode (rather than the Simulator) is that it can also be used with a real device.
I think it's unlikely that Apple would go out of their way (reducing, or duplicating functionality) to support VS Code, but you never know!
How about something like this...
import SwiftUI
struct Test: View {
let someClass: SomeClass?
var body: some View {
VStack {
if let someClass {
struct Test_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
let someClass = SomeClass()
/// set up your preview SomeClass properties here...
return Test(someClass: someClass)
class SomeClass {
let name = "Fred"
And of course you can use:
Test(someClass: nil)
The iPhone 14 Pro has a larger area at the top, above the Safe Area.
There's a nice explanation of it here:
If you look closely at UseYourLoaf's diagram for the iPhone 14 Pro Safe Area...
There's a 54-point height at the top, with an additional 5-point height below it.
Perhaps this is what you are running into?
Would you like to share your demo code, for further comment?