Did you remember to set your DatosCercanos object to be the Mapa's MKMapViewDelegate?
Technically, can this be done?
Would that break Apple copyrights?
Is it legal?
There's a lot going on in your sample code, so you need to narrow down where the issue is.
It looks like you may have multiple issues, so you may want to start with simpler code first?
Some points to consider:
Are you successfully creating a valid GKCoordinate?
If so, are you getting a valid WGS coordinate from it?
A SwiftUI array-based List requires that each element is uniquely identifiable.
Your coordinates may not be uniquely identifiable (since the user could enter the same values more than once.
Why store the coordinate values as string, and then re-scan them to numbers... why not just store them as coordinates?
(Could there be an error in either side of this conversion process?)
Are you passing a valid coordinate to showinMaps?
Are you passing a valid MKMapItem to Maps?
Perhaps you mean "PDFKit"?
Upload lover version to TestFlight
Is it a dating app?
Some people prefer using Storyboard and constraints - if you don't like it, you have the option of not using it.
Existing projects which use the Storyboard may continue to exist for many years, and Apple must support this.
Xcode is very flexible - use the features you want, and ignore the others.
You will need to clear more available disk space.
It's not just the download size, the file has to be unzipped/processed/installed.
Show your code.
You could use isIdleTimerDisabled, to do this.
Set it to true to keep the phone awake, then set it to false to let the system settings take over.
Does Xcode allow me to create an version of Apples Messages app where i can customize features?
(That would require Apple to give you the source code for Messages, which isn't going to happen.)
Your json is formatting dates like "11.12.2022", which is MM.dd.yyyy
You need to provide this format to your JSONDecoder.
I generally use a DateFormatter extension for this:
extension DateFormatter {
static let jsonDateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale.autoupdatingCurrent
formatter.dateFormat = "MM.dd.yyyy"
return formatter
Then you simply pass this to your JSONDecoder, like this:
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .formatted(DateFormatter.jsonDateFormatter)
return try decoder.decode(T.self, from: data)
Have you tried turning it off, and on again?
No challenge, this is quite straightforward.
Each employee will need to allow the app to share their location.
The app sends the locations to your central server.
The "employer" version of the app picks up the employee locations, and shows them on the map.