




How can we move the player within a RealityKit/RealityView scene?
How can we move the player within a RealityKit/RealityView scene? I am not looking for any animation or gradual movement, just instantaneous position changes. I am unsure of how to access the player (the person wearing the headset) and it's transform within the context of a RealityView. The goal is to allow the player to enter a full space in immersive mode and explore a space with various objects. They should be able to select an object and move closer to it.
Jan ’24
RealityKit - Change Material Color or other properties in RealityView
In a RealityView, I have scene loaded from Reality Composer Pro. The entity I'm interacting with has a PhysicallyBasedMaterial with a diffuse color. I want to change that color when on long press. I can get the entity and even get a reference to the material, but I can't seem to change anything about it. What is the best way to change the color of a material at runtime? var longPress: some Gesture { LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.5) .targetedToAnyEntity() .onEnded { value in value.entity.position.y = value.entity.position.y + 0.01 if var shadow = value.entity.components[GroundingShadowComponent.self] { shadow.castsShadow = true value.entity.components.set(shadow) } if let model = value.entity.components[ModelComponent.self] { print("material", model) if let mat = model.materials.first { print("material", mat) // I have a material here but I can't set any properties? // mat.diffuseColor does not exist } } } } Here is the full code struct Lab5026: View { var body: some View { RealityView { content in if let root = try? await Entity(named: "GestureLab", in: realityKitContentBundle) { root.position = [0, -0.45, 0] if let subject = root.findEntity(named: "Cube") { subject.components.set(HoverEffectComponent()) subject.components.set(GroundingShadowComponent(castsShadow: false)) } content.add(root) } } .gesture(longPress.sequenced(before: dragGesture)) } var longPress: some Gesture { LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.5) .targetedToAnyEntity() .onEnded { value in value.entity.position.y = value.entity.position.y + 0.01 if var shadow = value.entity.components[GroundingShadowComponent.self] { shadow.castsShadow = true value.entity.components.set(shadow) } if let model = value.entity.components[ModelComponent.self] { print("material", model) if let mat = model.materials.first { print("material", mat) // I have a material here but I can't set any properties? // mat.diffuseColor does not exist // PhysicallyBasedMaterial } } } } var dragGesture: some Gesture { DragGesture() .targetedToAnyEntity() .onChanged { value in let newPostion = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .global, to: value.entity.parent!) let limit: Float = 0.175 value.entity.position.x = min(max(newPostion.x, -limit), limit) value.entity.position.z = min(max(newPostion.z, -limit), limit) } .onEnded { value in value.entity.position.y = value.entity.position.y - 0.01 if var shadow = value.entity.components[GroundingShadowComponent.self] { shadow.castsShadow = false value.entity.components.set(shadow) } } } }
Feb ’24
Can we create custom SurroundingsEffect in visionOS?
SwiftUI in visionOS has a modifier called preferredSurroundingsEffect that takes a SurroundingsEffect. From what I can tell, there is only a single effect available: .systemDark. ImmersiveSpace(id: "MyView") { MyView() .preferredSurroundingsEffect(.systemDark) } I'd like to create another effect to tint the color of passthrough video if possible. Does anyone know how to create custom SurroundingsEffects?
Apr ’24
Do I need a privacy manifest when using UserDefaults and CloudKit in my app?
I have some questions about Apple privacy manifest. I have a visionOS app called Project Graveyard. I'm getting ready for the visionOS 2 release. Since my last update Apple has started requiring privacy manifest files, but the documentation is extremely vague and I can't tell if I actually need one or not. My app stores data two types of data for the user. User Defaults - App settings: lights, rain, window placement etc. SwiftData + CloudKit - User generated data: a list of project names and some optional text. User customization options for each item. The data is stored on device or in CloudKit. I do not "collect" this data, it is simply there for the app to function. Do I need a privacy manifest for this type of data? If so, what do I "declare".
Sep ’24