




Card Change on HCE-based contactless payment
Hi, I am integrating the HCE-based API into our SDK. Ideal flow It is bit tricky to support card change (step 3 below) after field-detect/double click due to NFC action sheet. Ideally, the flow is: User double-click. App launch "Hold near Reader" NFC instruction (optional) User change card User tap device to POS reader payment succeed. Approach A If I follow the code snippet in CardSession, where it calls startEmulation after readerDetected, I could change card before that. However, the "Hold near Reader" NFC instruction is shown very late, during tap. User double-click App launch (optional)User change card User tap device to POS reader "Hold near Reader" NFC instruction payment succeed. Approach B If I call startEmulation after sessionStarted, I could show "Hold near Reader" NFC. However, I could not provide the optional capability to change card anymore. User double-click App launch "Hold near Reader" NFC instruction User tap device to POS reader payment succeed. Neither approach A or B provide optimal approach shown in Ideal flow. Is this expected from CardSession that there is no option to startEmulation without the action sheet? Is there a plan to improve startEmulation so that it could show "Hold near Reader" without the action sheet? Thank you.
May ’24
use advertising identifier for security purpose
Hi, Regarding AppTrackingTransparency framework, on , it is mentioned that  You may track users without obtaining user permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework if it is for one of the following purposes: When user or device data from your app is linked to third-party data solely on the user’s device and is not sent off the device in a way that can identify the user or device. When the data broker with whom you share data uses the data solely for fraud detection, fraud prevention, or security purposes, and solely on your behalf. For example, using a data broker solely to prevent credit card fraud. It is also mentioned in . Can I know the procedure for obtaining the advertising identifier without user permission? for example, if we are using it for security purposes. Thank you.
Jun ’20
Use Advertising Identifer for Fraud Detection/Security Purpose
Hi, Regarding AppTrackingTransparency framework, on , it is mentioned that You may track users without obtaining user permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework if it is for one of the following purposes: When user or device data from your app is linked to third-party data solely on the user’s device and is not sent off the device in a way that can identify the user or device. When the data broker with whom you share data uses the data solely for fraud detection, fraud prevention, or security purposes, and solely on your behalf. For example, using a data broker solely to prevent credit card fraud. Can I know the procedure for obtaining the advertising identifier without user permission? for example, if we are using it for security purposes. Thank you.
Jun ’20