I found this Apple pratice ridiculous. It's like the gov saying:
"we cannot have new supermarkets, we have too many already and the new ones offer the same functionality"
"we cannot have any more dry cleaners, we have too many already....etc)
you get the idea
This practice favors the big players as reduces competition, and is unfavorable to the customers as the new competition cannot help to lower prices. it favors monopolies
how did it go? curious/!
I agree. Apple thought process is:
"we have many supermarkets already, we cannot new ones because they offer the similar functions, so let's reject this small supermarket and let Walmart grow bigger"
did you get re-approved? seems ridiculous that they're removing apps. where is the free market? or maybe they are biased and have their preferred child (Tinder etc)
did you get it approved? I have the same problem.
I have the same issue, so frustrating!!
same error here...it is working with a small array
I'm not mutating the array
how can I get the hourly weather for a future date? apparently the hourly is only for the current date?
IAP/subscriptions do not appear in the VERSION screen because the IAP/SUB has not been submitted/approved
the main reason IAP/SUBS have not been submitted/approved is because they are missing metadata
just go to the IAP/SUB and update an screenshot and put something in the notes and you'll see the IAP/SUB to be added to the review version
Any update to this issue? I spent two entire days trying to find why my utterance is not speaking sometimes. I found that Apple has a bug. The delegate doesn’t kick func startedSpeaking
how did you fix this issue? I'm, having the same issue in ONE DEVICE, ALL THE OTHERS WORK FINE!! and only fails in ENGLISH, WTH!
I wonder if the reviewers do that to copy your app (if it is a good idea) to buy them time
I'm getting the same error, it works fine in an IPAD and iphone 12, but doesn't work in iphone 14????
[SpeechFramework] -[SFSpeechRecognitionTask handleSpeechRecognitionDidFailWithError:]_block_invoke Ignoring subsequent recongition error: Error Domain=kAFAssistantErrorDomain Code=1101 "(null)"
does the Weatherkit offer a webhook for push notifications?
did you figure it out?
I'm trying to do the same, the only option I can think of is:
have a server calling weatherkit every 5 mins
if there is an alert then send notification to the user
but they should have a webhook, otherwise becomes expensive