




Live activities on watchOS not working on simulator
Is there a trick to getting the new Live Activities on Apple Watch working via the simulator? I have an iPhone paired to a watch simulator, but live activities created on the phone aren't appearing on the watch Smart Stack. It looks like maybe the Smart Stack isn't functional on the watch simulator, as there are a bunch of blank tiles where the Smart Stack should be.
Jul ’24
Donating App Intent with parameters (iOS 16 beta)
Has anybody managed to use the new IntentDonationManager to donate an intent which has a number of parameters defined with @Parameter? For example, given this snippet: struct MyIntent: AppIntent { ...     @Parameter(title: "MyParameter")     var parameter: MyParameter ... } When you use the constructor, the arguments are of type IntentParameter<MyParameter> rather than MyParameter. How do you actually create an instance of IntentParameter to pass into the constructor?
Aug ’22
Widget configuration selection hangs
I followed the instructions here to configure a Widget with dynamic configuration: The list of items is populated correctly, but when I select an item, and dismiss the selection screen, the selection screen does go away, but the screen stays on the blurred background and the widget does not flip back around. Has anybody seen this before? There doesn't seem to be any error occurring and there's no code being executed in either the intent handler or widget extension.
Oct ’20
iPhone Simulator – Apple Watch Is Syncing (Xcode 11 Beta 7)
Currently runnning XCode 11 Beta 7, and trying to test out iCloud based functionality with an Apple Watch paired to an iPhone.However, when I open the watch settings app on the paired phone, it immediately displayed the screen saying that the "Apple Watch Is Syncing" and to come back later. But this never finishes.I have tried deleting simulators and re-pairing the Apple Watch but nothing seems to change this behaviour - even though the Watch is working and apparently paired, I cannot access the settings app.Is this expected behaviour? Have I done something wrong?
Sep ’19
Xcode 11 Indexing
After a day or so of using Xcode 11, all of my projects have gotten into a state where they are just stuck on "Indexing" infinitely. It doesn't appear to be project specific as even making a new project has the same effect.Obviously a beta, but does anybody have any workarounds? I've tried all the usual tricks to delete DerivedData and caches, reboots, etc. and nothing seems to have worked.
Jun ’19