




Fonts in generateText
It seems MeshResource.generateText() has been broken since RealityKit was released. Whenever creating a mesh using this an error appears in the logs like this: 2020-02-29 14:30:40.994123+0000 appName[13892:4226658] CoreText note: Client requested name ".SFUI-Regular", it will get TimesNewRomanPSMT rather than the intended font. All system UI font access should be through proper APIs such as CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage() or +[UIFont systemFontOfSize:]. 2020-02-29 14:30:40.994176+0000 appName[13892:4226658] CoreText note: Set a breakpoint on CTFontLogSystemFontNameRequest to debug. And the result is, as stated, that it just uses Times New Roman for all generated text (yuck!). I created a FB item back in Feb this year (2020): FB7606700, but no update yet. Are there any engineers who can comment on this?
Jun ’20
Adding images to posts [Suggestion]
Especially for visual bugs it is super helpful to be able to describe issues or solutions with images. Whether it’s a graphics issue or helping someone know where to click in Xcode. Previously I would post to imgur and link to that, but now only links to 10 domains are valid to post… I expect the reason is about risk of inappropriate images etc., but there must be another option.
Jun ’20
MultipeerConnectivity failing on VPN
I cannot get my app approved due to MultipeerConnectivity failing to find the host device from a second device. This works perfectly for me and any people beta testing my app. However this is only provided we are not connected to a site-to-site VPN; I’m assuming this is because all protocols are being tunnelled through the VPN, including those similar to AirDrop and MPC. I’ve mentioned what I believe to be the source of the issue to the reviewer and even filed an appeal but have not progressed anywhere. My appeal was denied within minutes of submitting it. I appreciate that the reviewer may want to (or be required to) hide their physical location, especially due to the high likelihood that they are currently working from home at the moment. Has anyone here faced something similar to this before? I’m sure this cannot be an isolated issue.
Apr ’20
Sending ARAnchors through synchronizationService
I'm having trouble getting MultipeerConnectivity working properly with RealityKit.I currently have two devices connected to eachother via a MultipeerConnectivityService. I know they're connected because I can tell one device to send a sample Data chunk and the other device receives it.I have done this by setting the arView.scene.synchronizationService to the MultipeerConnectivityServiceI'm trying to follow the next step of creating an ARAnchor, adding to the the session as well as the scene found inside Building Apps with RealityKit, but after doing this nothing appears on the other device, and I'm watching the session(_:didAdd:) function, ARAnchors are showing to be added when scanning around the room, and when the device which taps to add the ARAnchor the same device shows it being added to the scene. However nothing appears on the other device in this function and nothing visual appears also.Has anyone got this working for them? Ideally if apple releases the card flip game in the above link we'd have a nice small example of how we can get this to work, but I'm quite stuck for now…
Oct ’19