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Hello, im trying to add RT shadows to my deferred rendering engine and I been stuck for days now. Using MPSRayIntersector and following apple's example on Here's my scene with 2 Models please help thank you !
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The idea of using AVFoundation is because higher resolution depth maps and more accurate instead of ARKit, but me trying it on iPhone 12,13 pro isn't the case. the filtered map jumps too much from depth values and the unfiltered depth map has a lot of holes and sometimes It maybe go all black. I'm I missing something? how I should be testing it?
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Most of my GPU developing time is dealing with bad xml/json font files instead of doing actual GPU work. many ways of rendering text, all of them have their caveats.
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Hello, After each PhotogrammetrySession completed successfully there's some memory not being release. After a couple PhotogrammetrySessions it fills all my RAM memory. How do you completely release all memory for the the next PhotogrammetrySession ? Thank you
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