Discover Metal for immersive apps

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Posts under wwdc2023-10089 tag

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Creating an immersive space using UIKit?
How do I create & open an immersive space window scene from a UIKit view or view controller? I need to create one in order to use Compositor Services in order to draw a 3D object using Metal, but this particular GUI is drawn & laid out using UIKit, and it isn't possible for me to rewrite it to use SwiftUI. I already tried [UIApplication.sharedApplication activateSceneSessionForRequest:[UISceneSessionActivationRequest requestWithRole:UISceneSessionRoleImmersiveSpaceApplication] errorHandler:...], but all that happened was it opened a new window for the main application scene (UIWindowSceneSessionRoleApplication), instead of opening an immersive space scene as I expected. Yes, I did create a scene manifest in my app's Info.plist, with a UIWindowSceneSessionRoleApplication scene, and a CPSceneSessionRoleImmersiveSpaceApplication scene. Surely there has to be a way to do this without resorting to SwiftUI...
Sep ’23
Which attribute should I use to know which eye in the fragment shader?
Hi, I have an app based on Metal and it runs on VisionOS. It has a huge sphere mesh and renders video outputs (from AVPlayer) on it. What I want to do is rendering left portion of my video output on left eye, and right portion of my video output on right eye. In my fragment shader, I think I need to know that the thread in shader is for left eye or right eye. (I'm not using MV-hevc encoded video but just hevc encoded one) So, what I currently do is, I assume 'amplification_id' is for the thing which determines the side of eyes. But, I'm not sure this is correct.
Dec ’23
Discover Metal for immersive apps - Example Code
Is there an example app? Am writing a visual music app. It uses a custom SwiftUI menus over a UIKit (UIHostingController) canvas. The metal pipeline is custom. A fully functional example app would be super helpful. Nothing fancy; an immersive hello triangle would be a great start. Later, will need to port UITouches to draw and CMMotionManager to track pov within a Cubemap. Meanwhile, baby steps. Thanks!
Aug ’23