




Reply to CoreData with CloudKit - data not syncing over iCloud both ways
Thanks SeaOverload. But I think it's because I have added CoreData records before activating CloudKit. As written in this article by Grant Grueninger ( I cannot post the link, don't know why) Your production schema must be correct In your CloudKit dashboard (with which you should become extremely familiar), you must initialize your development schema and push it to production before you push your app anywhere (even to TestFlight internal testers). If the production schema is incorrect (that is, different than the schema of your app on a device), CloudKit pushes and refreshes can fail, fully or partially (based on what’s different between the schema on the device and the schema in CloudKit) which will make instances of your app appear to silently not sync. So it seems that I need to: export my data first delete my app from my phone turn on iCloud import data to my app iCloud should sync after this, hopefully Unless I will find an easier way
Mar ’21
Reply to SwiftUI - conditional onChange
OK, I've figured it out 🙂 I needed two variables, one per TextField: isFocused1, isFocused2. Each of them changes to true with onEditingChanged. And each onChange has if condition that checks if isFocused for this TextField is true. Now onChange is triggered only if each TextField is being edited. I have added changing background colors to visualize focus changes. Working code: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var string1: String = "" @State private var int1: Int = 0 @State private var string2: String = "" @State private var int2: Int = 0 let multiplier: Int = 2 @State private var isFocused1 = false @State private var isFocused2 = false var body: some View { VStack { HStack { TextField("0", text: $string1, onEditingChanged: { (changed) in isFocused1 = changed }) .keyboardType(.decimalPad) .onChange(of: string1, perform: { value in if isFocused1 { int1 = Int(string1) ?? 0 int2 = int1 * multiplier string2 = "\(int2)" print("int1: \(int1)") } }) .background(isFocused1 ? Color.yellow : Color.gray) } .multilineTextAlignment(.trailing) .font(.largeTitle) HStack { Spacer() Text("x2") } HStack { TextField("0", text: $string2, onEditingChanged: { (changed) in isFocused2 = changed }) .keyboardType(.decimalPad) .onChange(of: string2, perform: { value in if isFocused2 { int2 = Int(string2) ?? 0 int1 = int2 / multiplier string1 = ("\(int1)") print("int2: \(int2)") } }) .background(isFocused2 ? Color.yellow : Color.gray) } .multilineTextAlignment(.trailing) .font(.largeTitle) } .padding() } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView() } }
Jul ’21