Currently I have multiple subscription offers available for yearly/monthly subscriptions. Each of the subscription offers have multiple different custom codes available. When the customer buys a subscription and the receipt is being handled in the backend, I need to know which of the custom codes was used.
What I have tried
When i call the I get the values offer_code_ref_name and promotional_offer_id. The offer_code_ref_name is the subscription offer name AND NOT the custom code.
I tried to get more info using the{transactionId} request, but it does not give me any info about the custom code used either.
I do however see which custom code has been used if I go to Sales and Trends > Sales and Trends Reports and download Subscritpion Reports. There the offer code can be found ref. as "Promotional Offer ID"
my question
How can I get which custom code was used when purchasing a renewable subscription using transaction id or transaction Receipt?
When we first launched our app and got renewable subscriptions, we had a "Subscriptions" tab in the Sales & Trends view.
Then we transferred the app to another account holder (we needed to switch company information). Once we made this switch, the new sales and trends view does no longer have the "Subscriptions" tabs in the Sales and Trends view.
Why isn't the subscription tab showing anymore? And how can I get it to show?