




iPhone 13 - how to get the manufacture date or batch no
Does anyone know if there is a handy way to get the manufacture date or batch number for an iPhone 13? I tried to get something from the device serial number but I could not get any useful information due to Apple phones having random serial numbers since 2021, also I have tried with the checkcoverage ( service apple provides but I could not get any information either.
Sep ’22
accept incoming network connections in simulator - xcode 13.4.1
Does anyone know how to rid of this message? It is happening every time I build a project using the simulator with the following versions: xCode 13.4.1 mac Monterey 12.4. I didn't see this behavior in Xcode's previous versions. The issue seems to be because it is adding a new application every time I build the project into the firewall app list. (image below) Any tips on how to fix this?
Jul ’22
Playback buttons do not appear in a AVPlayer - iOS 16
Does anyone experience this before? I am using an AVPlayer to present a video. The app has only one .mp4 but for a different use case, the same video needs to get flipped. Both videos (the normal and the flipped one) work fine on iOS 15.5 but the flipped video does not show the play and the 15 seconds forward/backward buttons in iOS 16 (see image attached). The buttons are there and completely functional, you can press the play and the 15 seconds forward/backward buttons but they don't appear in the screen (4th video in the attached image) The code the app is using to flip the video is as follows: (The code that flips the video is in the if block). presenter.present(avPlayerController, animated: true, completion: { let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path) let avPlayer = self.dependency.avPlayerFactory(url) if doFlip() { let flippedLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: avPlayer as? AVPlayer) let transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1.0, y: 1.0) flippedLayer.frame = (avPlayerController as UIViewController).view.frame flippedLayer.setAffineTransform(transform) (avPlayerController as UIViewController).view.layer.addSublayer(flippedLayer) } avPlayerController.player = avPlayer as? AVPlayer })
Jul ’22
Cycle in dependencies between targets - Xcode 13.4.1
Hello, I am getting the following error only in Xcode 13.4.1. Cycle in dependencies between targets '#aTargetName' and '#anotherTargetName'; building could produce unreliable results. This usually can be resolved by moving the target's Headers build phase before Compile Sources. It gets solved if I "clean build folder" every time I need to run the project but it does not work every time. This is how the build phases are in the project: Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
Jun ’22
keep TextKit 1 in Labels as default in iOS 16
Due to the iOS 16 will be using TextKit 2 as default, does anyone know if it is possible to set TextKit 1 as default in the UILabels in iOS 16? We need to keep the same UI in iOS 16 and iOS 15 by contract (the app only supports iPhone 11 pro) and we have found a lot of UILabels that render its contents in a different way during our first test in iOS 16.
Jun ’22
Label issue - iOS 16 beta
Does anyone experience this issue on the iOS 16 beta? The word "has" goes to the next line only on the iOS 16 beta. It is the same label with the same leading and trailing constraints values, the only thing that has changed is the IOS version from 15.5 to 16 beta. This is just a simple example, we have found a lot of cases in our app with the same behavior. The following image is the digital comparison between the 2 images I put above. As you can see the only difference is the line where the "has" is in the next line.
Jun ’22
Label wrapping issue - iOS 16 beta
Hello, does anyone experience this issue on the iOS 16 beta? The text wrapping in a simple label seems it is different in the iOS 16 beta. As you can see in the image attached, the "essentially" text goes to the line below in the iOS 16 beta, this is just a dummy example but we have seen a lot of screens where this wrapping happens. For the record: it is the same label with the same leading and trailing constraints values, the only thing that has changed is the IOS version. As our app needs to be "Pixel-perfect" this is a problem because we have a lot of screens to fix and we want to avoid adding iOS version logic in the code.
Jun ’22
iOS 15.1 - Notification sound is not playing when only .sound option
We have an issue when we tried to fire only the sound in the push notification in iOS 15. Sound does not play when UNNotificationPresentationOptions is only set as sound. [.sound] (see snippet code attached) It seems iOS 15 silence this. It was working before in iOS 14 but stopped working for iOS 15. The following StackOverflow's URLs recommend playing a sound with AudioServicesPlaySystemSound. Any tips/recommendations on how to resolve this? Does anyone know if Apple does not allow this anymore? func taskNotificationCenter(_ center: TaskNotificationCenterType,                willPresent notification: UNNotificationType,                withCompletionHandler completionHandler:                 @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {     completionHandler([.sound]) // does not work //completionHandler([.sound, .alert, .badge]) // works }
Nov ’21