




Reply to StoreKit 2 failure on tvOS 18.2
Looking like StoreKit UI will not load or respond in tvOS 18.2 unless there is a Navigation Controller present AND you ONLY use a Push segue to get to your paywall viewController. Been playing with adding a Navigation controller and hiding the tabBar in code on subsequent viewController push (as a workaround), but the push animation is not in time with the viewController. (Not as smooth a visual transition)
Nov ’24
Reply to StoreKit 2 failure on tvOS 18.2
Update 11-14-24; I have determined this failure occurs when the paywall (which calls the purchase(options:) method in my "store manager" class) is not a primary viewController window. ie. Tab Bar Controller -> 1st viewController as paywall DOES work. Tab Bar Controller -> 1st viewController -- --> 2nd viewController as paywall DOES NOT work. Any clues or insight why this may be happening would be greatly apprecaiated. Thanks!
Nov ’24
Reply to StoreKit 2 failure on tvOS 18.2
Additional info: From my own paywall viewController: try await store.makePurchase(productToPurchase) And in my NSObject store helper class: func makePurchase(_ product: Product) async throws { let result = try await product.purchase() //ERROR OCCURS HERE (See error message below) Xcode Console message: "Could not get confirmation scene ID for [insert my IAP id here]" Why is the is tvOS 18.2 API looking for a scene ID? (Again, works fine for 18.1 and on iOS 18.2)
Nov ’24
Reply to How to hide an auto-renewal subscription from App Store manage subscriptions page
As I understand it, if a user installs your app on a new device and hits your purchase button instead of "restore purchases", there is a chance they would be double-billed if you have separate subscription groups for the same product. This would result in a terrible customer experience, to say the least. From Apple: "creating a single group is the best practice for most apps as it prevents people from accidentally purchasing multiple subscriptions." You can create a subscription offer in App Store Connect to attract legacy users for renewals. See:
Oct ’23