




Convert from paid app to free app with in-app-purchase
HI, I just published my first app on App Store. It is supposed to be a free app with in-app-purchase but it shows up as a paid app with in-app-purchase. I don't what did I do wrong when setting up the app. How can I correct it, from paid app to free in-app-purchase app? I have the in-app-purchase function in the app already, just need to change on app store from paid app to free in-app-purchase.
Oct ’23
App rejected due to insufficent description of Photo access request.
I have provided the description why my app need to assess photo library. On my device, it shows the modified version of the description. However, the app reviewer still see the old default description "This app requires access to the photo library" which I don't see on my device. Is it possible that they are still looking at an old cached version. Should I build a new binary with a different version number? This is my description for accessing photo library. I noticed that I have request to access cammera library. Is is possible that message that they saw is from cammera library request. <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> <string>This app requires read access to the cammera library.</string> <key>NSAppleMusicUsageDescription</key> <string>Play music while creating video</string> <key>NSMicrophoneUsageDescription</key> <string>This app requires to access microphone to record music to be used as background music for the video to be created by users </string> <key>NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription</key> <string>This app requires read and write access to the photo library to load image for the video to be created by users and save the video in the library</string> <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>This app requires access to the photo library to upload an image to be used as background for the video to be created by users.</string>
Oct ’23
App rejection with Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
App rejected with missing following information: • Does your app include third-party analytics? If so, please provide details about what data is collected for this purpose. • Does your app include third-party advertising? If so, please provide a link to the ad network's publicly-documented practices and policies for kids apps. • Will the data be shared with any third parties? If so, for what purposes and where will this information be stored? • Is your app collecting any user or device data for purposes beyond third-party analytics or third-party advertising? If so, please provide a complete and clear explanation of all planned uses of this data. I replied to the message but nothing is changed so I submit the app for review again. I have 2 questions. Do I need to submit the app for review again or simply reply the message with answers is good enough? Where can I pre-fill all those questions in App Connect so that the app won't get rejected due to those issues? Apple should make them required before submitting the app.
Oct ’23