




Reply to Disable cacheing before reading from a file using Swift
Hello, thanks for the reply. I have updated my while loop to use the following logic: var buffer = Data(count: 4 * 1024 * 1024) let fd = open(fileUrl.path, O_RDONLY) if fcntl(fd, F_NOCACHE, 1) == -1 { return } while - startTime < 5.0 { buffer.withUnsafeMutableBytes { ptr in let amount = read(fd, ptr.baseAddress, ptr.count) self.readData += UInt64(amount) self.totalReadData += UInt64(amount) } lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) } close(fd) The calculated speed goes up to almost 16GB/s. I tried moving the open and close calls directly into the while loop. Although this slows down the logic (as one would expect), the speed is still roughly 8GB/s. Regards, Sascha
Feb ’22
Reply to App Store Connect does not accept back-deploy concurrency macOS App that build by Xcode 13.2
Hello, I have the same issue with my apps. I am using async/await in a framework that is included via Swift Packages. I can build the app, but when I validate / upload the archive I get the following error: This bundle is invalid. The executable code in [,] contain unsupported content.
Dec ’21
Reply to MacOS 12.0.1 Monterey Bluetooth issues
Just half an hour ago, I had to restart my iMac because the mouse did not scroll anymore. I just thought that my mouse had died, but after restarting, everything worked fine. I created a ticket a couple of days ago and got a reply pretty fast. It was escalated to the Bluetooth team, but I did not anything back from them.
Nov ’21
Reply to CoreBluetooth stopped working in my app
Every single Bluetooth device works fine on my iMac and yet I think that there is something really wrong regarding Bluetooth. Because of all this trouble I completely reinstalled macOS Monterey (I even wiped the hard drive). After reinstalling macOS Monterey, I encountered the exact same behaviour. I have read online, that you can (in theory) reset your Bluetooth adapter by pressing Command and Shift (or only Command) and the clicking the Bluetooth menu in the menu bar. There is additional information, but no option to reset the Bluetooth adapter. Another problem is that there is no file in the Preferences folder. I really don't understand this at all.
Oct ’21
Reply to CoreBluetooth stopped working in my app
I created a new app that creates a new CBCentralManager instance and sets the delegate. The delegate functions are called properly, so this issue seems to be related to my app specifically. Other BLE scanner apps also seem to work fine. I tried deleting some Bluetooth Caches, but that did not solve the problem. When using the same basic code from the example app in my production app, no delegate functions are called. Very weird. Monterey will be released tomorrow, so I am quite under pressure here 😢 The scanning process starts after the state has changed to poweredOn. I then get this error: Invalidating assertion 236-151-4668 (target:[app<application.appid.125946431.126032515.61252494-CF92-4555-8108-9155B47AA89C(501)>:1869]) from originator [daemon<>:151] Closed XPC connection to session "appid-central-1869-41" Unregistering session "appid-central-1869-41" This pretty much appears as soon as I start the app. Bluetooth entitlement is set in the entitlements file.
Oct ’21
Reply to Creating new text file using Finder Sync API results in deny(1) file-write-create Sandbox error
Hello, thanks for the reply, now I understood what you meant. I thought that there was some technical problem. But of course it can get wild, if two extensions try to update the badge icons for the same files / folders. What is the best way to transfer the data of the scoped URL to the Finder Sync extension? I have tried to use a distributed notification, at least the message is sent and delivered to the extension. All I can pass is a string though. Regards
Aug ’21
Reply to Creating new text file using Finder Sync API results in deny(1) file-write-create Sandbox error
Thank you for your reply! So if I understand this correctly, the proper way to handle this problem would be the following: The main application contains a page where the user can add paths to observe. The user would select the path using a NSOpenPanel. The path will be stored as a secure bookmark. All paths that are stored as secure bookmarks can now be used by the extension. I have one question though: You mentioned that simply using "/" is bad if other extensions do the same thing. Let's assume the user selects "/" because all directories should be used by the Finder extension. What if the user now installs another extension that does the same thing? What does "ned badly" mean in this case? Regards, Sascha
Aug ’21
Reply to I ran out of Developer ID Certificates - Second Developer Account?
Just an update if anyone ever runs into the same problem: I am still waiting for an answer to my support ticket that I created almost 4 months ago... I do not want to create another developer account, because I do not know if this is ok to own more than one developer account as an individual. But I really don't know what else to do, because I can't (and don't want to) wait any longer. I messed this up, so I don't (and can't) want to blame Apple for this. But it seems like a pretty straightforward yes/no answer. Either grant the exception or don't. But at least let me know...
Feb ’21