Hello and thank you for your reply.
The problem is that I simply have not found a working example for what I am actually trying to do.
In one of my tests I also tried to simulate a long running operation with
await Task.sleep(...)
and it worked. But as soon as I want to run some other code (that by default is not await able because it is not async), I don't know what to do.
That's why I thought that putting the code into an async function so I could use await would be the correct move.
I have created another small demo. In it, a 512 MB file is written to a rather old (and slow) external hard disk:
import Observation
import AppKit
final class Model : Sendable
@MainActor var controller = AsyncController()
@Observable // Too good to not use.
@MainActor // Required for Observable to work? Can't get it to work without it.
class AsyncController
private(set) var isWorking = false
public func heavyWork() async throws {
self.isWorking = true
do {
try await self.save()
catch {
self.isWorking = false
func save() async throws {
let task = Task {
let data = Data(count: 512 * 1024 * 1024)
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Volumes/LaCie/out.bin")
try data.write(to: url)
return try await task.value
In this example, the Observable property works fine. As soon as I click the button, the ProgressView is shown. However, the GUI is unresponsive (we are using the Main Actor, so this is to be expected I guess, but I created a new Task so that's what I don't understand).
I also don't see why this should be done in a separate Task, I am already using a Task when clicking the button:
func save() throws {
let data = Data(count: 512 * 1024 * 1024)
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Volumes/LaCie/out.bin")
try data.write(to: url)
So my next best guess was to simply remove the @MainActor from the AsyncController to get this thing off the main thread:
class AsyncController
But now the compiler complains:
Button("Write") {
Task {
try await self.model.controller.heavyWork() // Error: Sending 'self.model.controller' risks causing data races
The files are in /Users/admin/Library/Containers.
I also tested this on my Mac mini with a M1 processor.
I used the following code:
private func loadImage(from: String) {
let start = Date.now.timeIntervalSince1970
let image = NSImage(contentsOf: URL(string: from)!)
let duration = Date.now.timeIntervalSince1970 - start
I called the function with a local and a remote URL:
self.loadImage(from: "https://sascha-simon.com/Code.icns")
self.loadImage(from: "/Users/inexcitus/Downloads/Code.icns")
When calling this code from an app, everything seems to work fine. Both functions run rather quickly:
I then ran the code inside of a unit test and then it is slow again (more than four seconds).
I added the following code inside one of my unit tests:
let icon = self.loadImage(from: "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/Code.icns") // For this URL I had to use another init function for the URL: let image = NSImage(contentsOf: URL(filePath: from))
It is somehow related to my code running in the xctest executable. Other icons work just fine, it is always this icon in particular. There is no cacheing on my side, when I load the same icon later, it loads almost immediately so I guess Cocoa uses cacheing.
I guess this icon is more on the larger side, but I have apps with icons that are similiar in size. I hope that this is not the real issue. I have a M2 processor, so I think loading a 400kb icon should not take 4-5 seconds.
I would also appreciate if we could at least hide bundles that are no longer available for sale. It would be even better if we could delete app bundles. I think once a customer purchased the bundle, all apps would be transferred to his account, so I don't think that there should be any problem.
thanks anyways. It is working now. It was a very small error (wrong format of the name).
thank you for your information.
I have tried searching for any devices that publish this information, but I do not get any results.
I assumed that the service is _device-info._tcp. I have added the Bonjour Services key to my Info.plist.
I also tried searching for this service using the Terminal using this command:
dns-sd -B _device-info._tcp
Nothing is shown on my Terminal (dns-sd -B _ssh._tcp lists a couple of items, so the syntax seems to be correct).
I also tried using the IP address:
dns-sd -B _device-info._tcp
I tried "asking" the host directly:
let service = NetService(domain: "local.", type: "_device-info._tcp", name: "Mac-Mini.fritz.box")
service.delegate = self
No results though.
This also does not give any results. As you mentioned, there is no public API so I guess I can not get any detailed information. But am I at least on the right track? 😀
thank you very much for the reply, I will try this out.
Good thing is: Those are all my frameworks.
The only thing that I don't understand is why Xcode does create schemes for the same two packages and not for all of them? But I will definitely write a Feedback, although I have a feeling that nobody reads them anyways.
I completely reset my test machine and now it works as expected. One item was a duplicate of a test version of my app.
I have one additional question: if a user has used my app prior to the release of macOS 13 and set the auto start via SMLoginItemSetEnabled, the item will probably be visible in System Preferences.
I would like to remove this Login Item entry and enable the main item entry. Is there any way of doing this? I tried to use SMAppService.unregister, which sets the state properly. However, the item is not removed (like you said, it only shows if the item could make any changes in the background). Can I completely remove the entry (only for my app of course).
This is my code now:
try? SMAppService.loginItem(identifier: "com.somecompany.something").unregister() // Successful
SMAppService.loginItem(identifier: "com.somecompany.something").status == .enabled // Returns false, the actual status is 'notRegistered'
However, the app is started automatically after restart. Either there is some sort of remnant of the past on my system...or there is a bug?
So I guess using the main app is wrong then, I still have to use the LoginItem?
try? SMAppService.loginItem(identifier: "com.somecompany.something").register()
Instead of
SMLoginItemSetEnabled( "com.somecompany.something" as CFString, true)
Maybe the description of the Background section could be updated to reflect auto starting apps (via LoginItems).
Edit: Seems to work, I just did not understand it properly. Thanks.
thanks for your reply. If I disable the sandbox, it works as expected, no error is shown.
I have created an empty MS-DOS image and this also works, if the sandbox is enabled.
The following error messages are shown in the Console:
error 15:10:01.039684+0200 kernel System Policy: Process(2659) deny(1) file-read-data /Volumes/SD CARD/File.tmp
error 15:10:01.046855+0200 kernel System Policy: Process(2659) deny(1) file-write-unlink /Volumes/SD CARD/FileRead.tmp
error 15:10:01.047082+0200 kernel System Policy: Process(2659) deny(1) file-read-data /Volumes/SD CARD/FileRead.tmp
error 15:10:01.047214+0200 kernel System Policy: Process(2659) deny(1) file-write-unlink /Volumes/SD CARD/File.tmp
error 15:10:01.047332+0200 kernel System Policy: Process(2659) deny(1) file-write-unlink /Volumes/SD CARD/FileRead.tmp
error 15:10:01.047454+0200 kernel System Policy: Process(2659) deny(1) file-write-unlink /Volumes/SD CARD/File.tmp
error 15:10:01.047671+0200 kernel System Policy: Process(2659) deny(1) file-write-unlink /Volumes/SD CARD/FileRead.tmp
Sometimes, writing to the SD card is successful, but then the read access is denied. Further write attempts also fail, but if I wait a couple of seconds, writing will succeed. Reading always fails though.
Hopefully this explanation helps a little bit.
Same here, App Store Connect is unbearably slow.
my problem was that I only set the F_NOCACHE flag when reading the file. At this point, the file is already in the cache.
The key is to also set this flag when writing to the file. This seems to no cache the file.
Thanks again.