




Reply to The value for the key 'MinimumOSVersion' in bundle [notification extrension] is invalid. The minimum value is 10
Hi @Hiren Gujarati, Did you figure out a solution to ITMS-90736 error? I'm recently adding iOS 14 configurable widget with its WidgetIntent. Since the new API requires iOS 14, I must set the new target for WidgetIntent to deployment target 14.0. However, it's complaining when I submit to App Store with the following error: ERROR ITMS-90736: "Invalid Intent Extension. The MinimumOSVersion key in the '' Info.plist file can't be greater than '11.4'." My main app is still supporting 11.4
Sep ’20
Reply to Export localisation since Xcode 11 will duplicate phrases?
I tested again, the issue is about multiple targets instead of frameworks (although I wanted to ask something about internal frameworks too) I am adopting Mac Catalyst in our project. For reasons to include different frameworks between iOS and macOS apps, I setup one target for each. So this is where the issue starts... 1) Main app (iOS) exports to {Project}/en.lproj/Common.strings 2) Mac Catalyst exports to en.lproj/Common.strings I confirmed by removing the Mac Catalyst target to export.
Oct ’20