




Reply to Export localisation since Xcode 11 will duplicate phrases?
I tested again, the issue is about multiple targets instead of frameworks (although I wanted to ask something about internal frameworks too) I am adopting Mac Catalyst in our project. For reasons to include different frameworks between iOS and macOS apps, I setup one target for each. So this is where the issue starts... 1) Main app (iOS) exports to {Project}/en.lproj/Common.strings 2) Mac Catalyst exports to en.lproj/Common.strings I confirmed by removing the Mac Catalyst target to export.
Oct ’20
Reply to The value for the key 'MinimumOSVersion' in bundle [notification extrension] is invalid. The minimum value is 10
Hi @Hiren Gujarati, Did you figure out a solution to ITMS-90736 error? I'm recently adding iOS 14 configurable widget with its WidgetIntent. Since the new API requires iOS 14, I must set the new target for WidgetIntent to deployment target 14.0. However, it's complaining when I submit to App Store with the following error: ERROR ITMS-90736: "Invalid Intent Extension. The MinimumOSVersion key in the '' Info.plist file can't be greater than '11.4'." My main app is still supporting 11.4
Sep ’20