Can anyone answer this question?
I'm particularly interested in updating the "What to Test" section for TestFlight, and being able to do this from Xcode Cloud.
We just had a few successful builds recently. It was finished within 23 minutes. I wonder if there were changes to Xcode Cloud. In any case, I'm happy it's working.
With nested frameworks, I believe I used to get something like "ERROR ITMS-90205: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle at '' contains disallowed nested bundles."..." when submitting the Appstore build to Apple.
However, with XCFrameworks this doesn't seem to be the case anymore? Unless I embed and sign in the xcframework within my framework, it fails to run on device. It might fix the issue if I link and embed and sign on the main app, but validating the binary with xcrun altool --validate-app succeeded with nested xcframework. I verified that the succeeded binary does not have the "Frameworks" folder within the frameworks folder that was embedded, so maybe XCFrameworks doesn't create a nested "Frameworks" folder anymore.