As the text on that sheet says, the option is only the apps listed there.
Maybe it will be expanded to third party apps in the future, who knows.
LLMs are a double edged sword, use them with caution.
That's how it's supposed to be. The actual data is in the dylib shared cache.
Did you try with iOS 17.7.2?
HFS+ doesn't store milliseconds, only number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904, GMT, so there is no way to do what you want to do.
Modification date is not super reliable, so while it could be useful to check for changes, it's not enough (even in a hypothetical world where HFS+ stores milliseconds).
If your account has got 2 factor authentication enabled, an app specific password is required, just like the message says.
To avoid such things randomly exploding, it's better to add a three letter prefix to each category method of system classes.
Objective-C has got no namespaces, so if you add a category to a system class, and then Apple implements something with the same name, bad things happen™.
Maybe Apple's symbol it's in a library that's not loaded in the simulator? The simulator it's not an emulator, so often there are many differences.
You aren't shipping any H.264 decoder or encoder in your app, so there is no fee to pay.
However, if you want to be as sure as possible, ask a lawyer.
There is no way to know until Apple actually releases a chip that supports it.
There is no guarantee. It would be better to keep a reference to the previous CVPixelBuffer, so will be sure it's the one you want.
That's the accent color, you can see it in your app Info.plist, check for more info.
Yes that seems backwards. macOS 14 SDK defaults to false, it doesn't clips to bounds.
Maybe set up a single CI server can checkout and compile a repository provided by the developer. So the certificate will be only on that server, and it won't be accessible by anyone.
What's the reason for setting locale? Unless you are using some old C standard library or posix API, there is usually no reason to change it.
You won't get any official answer about the App Store policies here, but the App Store reviewers look at the actual app experience, not at the way you built it.
Each update you send will be reviewed as usual, it doesn't matter if you change the whole thing or not.