I'm getting this issue to how do I fix it?
can someone please help with this? Is there anyone at apple that can help?
Why is everyone saying its resolved?
I am getting this error and I cant find how to fix it
there is no way for us to resolve this or no directions or tutorials anywhere
I don't understand I get the same message, does this mean this is an "apple issue" ?
I get the same message
But I can't upload to the app store it gets rejected
How can I start to look for the issue??
Where are "method names"
How can I tell if I'm using an sdk?
how do we alter out "methods names"
Im still confused, where do I find my "method names" ...
How can I tell if I am even using a library that using apples reserved names or non public APIs?
Where do I begin to look for these things so I can fix them?
someone said to use dsym files, they will show more info, are there 3r party programs that will do this?