What do you mean by "does not work"? Are you getting a crash, or does the screen just not show? When I tried showing the new StoreKit manage subscriptions view, it would straight up crash my app running on apple silicon because of a symbol not found runtime exception. In your case, I don't see anything wrong with the availability so I'm guessing it isn't a runtime crash you're observing, right?
As for what to do, that is sort of up to you. If you want your code to behave conditionally, you can inspect this property and use to make a code branch: ProcessInfo isiOSAppOnMac
You should be able to request the device token irrespective of the authorization status. This allows 'silent' notifications aka 'content-available' notifications out of the box.
I'd just request the device token right away in didFinishLaunching.
As you have discovered, there is a lot missing from Swift Playgrounds 4 in terms of 'capabilities'. File a feedback and post your number here. I'd be happy to reference yours in my request to allow background Bluetooth. Mine is: FB9833184
Do you know that the transport being used is BLE (opposed to P2P WiFi)?
Is your range still poor if you disable WiFi (trying to force Bluetooth transport as an experiment)?
Is the observed performance different if there is a paired Apple Watch or not?
This seems like a good item to create as a feedback to Apple if the performance regressed so significantly. Regarding your question, there isn't any API I want to say that the tx power is 0 db when advertising / acting as a peripheral.
I shared my code with my main app target and specified a custom url scheme matching the cloudkit-icloud.[containername]://authToken and I see my ASWebAuthenticationSession getting invoked with the new token. So I know that code is wired up properly and functional
It is stated in the Exploring App Clips video that they do not support URL Schemes, when I have the same URL scheme specified, safari says "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid." which makes sense if the App Clip isn't registering the URL with the system.
When I try to use the https:// [advanced-app-clip-invocation-url] safari view controller is redirecting to my web page that matches the app clip url--not the app clip itself. Universal links are also explicitly not supported by App Clips either as per the same app clip video.
I know there is a lot of interest in App Clips + CloudKit so I'll continue to post my findings.
Does your app support creating that work account, or just use it to sign in?
Few questions for clarity.
Have you confirmed with that user that their iCloud storage is in fact full?
When you save the game save a secondary time, are you updating that record, or deleting then saving a new one?
Assuming you're using the CKModifyRecordsOperation, how are you handling merge conflicts (i.e. two device scenario race condition).
Is the RevenueCat SDK first party in Flutter for iOS? I'd start with the library developers for your question. You could try using the native swift version of RevenueCat and see if the same problem exists.
HealthKit is meant for a single individual, not 'shared'. HealthKit can be used without an Apple ID. It would be just the same as running on a simulator that isn't signed in. That having been said, while you could technically do it, it is overkill and using HealthKit outside of the intended scope.
I'll speculate that the built-in pedometer will also not have super reliable results given the way each user walks is different. This is what generates samples for HealthKit under the hood. If you're going to pursue this concept, I would instead recommend using the CMPedometer API directly, which allows for up to 7-days of historical data.
It is referenced in this video to in fact use ASWebAuthenticationSession but I haven't found any useful information in the documentation on how to get it setup with the callback yet:
I just received access to the beta. I'm encountering the same issue. I created this feedback: FB9799246
If you create your own feel free to mention so Apple can link as related.
I spoke with both App Clip and CloudKit engineers during WWDC 2021 in lab sessions. They're aware of the request. That having been said the temporary solution that we came to through conversation is to use the CloudKit Web Services. I've decided for my AppClip I can live with read-only access to just the public database.
I have this working and have fully mirrored the CKQueryOperation and CKFetchRecordsOperation functionality using the Cloud Kit Web Services API. This is something that I would potentially open source if others are interested in working on it with me as an interim solution until (if) official support happens.
I asked the AppClip team this question in a WWDC21 lab session.
The answer, presently, was that there is no limit to the number of advanced app clip experiences you can make.
This is great—now the problem I will have is squishing my urls to fit into the app clip generator.
Their encoder can only fit in so many characters. QR codes have a lot more data storage capability.
Check out this link for more details, however there is no clear documentation on the length. I was also looking for a concrete number but it is probably indeterminate. Unfortunately, my domain name is quite long so I'm probably stuck with only a few chars available for my query params :(
Apple Documentation: Encoding a url in an app clip code
Not sure if it is available in App Clip targets, but you could try using DeviceCheck and flipping a bit.
Device Check API