Is Sign In with Apple an option to you? That is designed to work beautifully with App Clips!
If you're using third party login that isn't for that third party, you'll have to add Sign In with Apple anyways to conform to the App Store guidelines.
From the video on creating app clips for other businesses, it seems like it shouldn't be bounded to the number you can make. However there is probably a practical limit. I'd also like to know!
Do you want different App Clip Cards, or just the app clip experience to be different once the clip is launched? You could use query params in your URL to control what content is shown in the application.
Has anyone tried this with watchOS 7.4 RC or Xcode 12.5 RC?
I'm facing the same issue, it would seem.
For closure, I had a feedback open for this and the result was in iOS 13.1 the instance property was moved to a class property!
Hope this helps any future viewers of this post.
Let's hope for an update in WWDC21 to support this!
I seem to recall that setting sort descriptors in the request flow made things work. Give that a try--it has been so long I don't for sure remember what I did to overcome the issue.
Watching some of the historical WWDC videos about HealthKit would be a great start.
Some key classes are: HKSampleQuery
HKSampleTypeIdentifier.stepCount, etc.
Regarding accessing the data without the user interacting with the app, you'd have to look into background delivery on the HKHealthStore class here -
Make sure the user knows that you're doing this :)
You can't access the "Health Profile" the user sets up in the Health app, but you can access the 'Patient' data contained within the FHIR resources and then look at the name property. This will require knowledge of which FHIR release a resource is as well as how to decode the JSON.
To learn more about FHIR resources, checkout the official site.
For R4 version, here is Apple's GitHub FHIRModels lib.
We've released a build which contains the app clip. It's working fine under TestFlight, Local Experience, however, when we open it through Smart Banner, the card says [App name] is not compatible with this iPhone. Same here. @marspark was your issue ever resolved?
I'm encountering the same false positive. My app update just went live and upon deleting the previously released App Store version from two of my iPhones and triggering the App Clip from my website, I was presented with the same 'not compatible' message.
My first thought was that it was something to do with the entitlements, but based on the Apple reply here it seems to be the device capabilities that it is tripping on. For my required device capabilities, my app uses HealthKit. Originally I didn't have any required device capabilities but it turns out to be a compiler error if your app clip's required device capabilities do not match your main targets. I don't use HealthKit in the App Clip (you can't), so there is no entitlement for health access, and subsequently no info.plist usage description string for it either.
Installs just fine from test flight, local experience launched, etc. Same as the original poster.
Here is the list of capabilities that both my app target, and my clip declare:
Both of my iPhones support this app because they can download the full one from the store no problem. Collecting sysdiagnose now for FB8910249.
Just upgraded my Mac to Big Sur and can finally run my catalyst app built on a SwiftUI app.
I'm seeing the same thing using Xcode 12.2 RC. I've tried adding the CKQueryOperation directly to the publicDatabase, as well as, adding the op to OperationQueue.main directly after having specified the database as the public one.
None of the operation blocks are firing, recordHandler, queryCompletion, or operation completion handler.
Did you have any success with HKObserverQuery and reloading the timeline?
I have a workout app that has a "workout" widget. Presently, I have an observer query listening to .workoutType() and I set the background update frequency to .immediate. On iOS 12.2 RC for my iPhone XS, I keep seeing the observer query getting invoked second after second--even though there is no new workout being saved.
Have you experience anything like this where the observer query is getting hammered with updates more than you expect? I'm guessing it is some bug where the HKObserverQuery is getting invoked as if the app was entering foreground, and the widget being on screen is somehow tripping this.
I filed a FB on this unexpected behavior in case anyone at Apple sees this and wants more details. FB8887079
This is four years old but surfacing to the top of the CloudKit tag with lots of new views. The same is happening again (October 2020) and was flagged down in this other posting
You want to look into the Security Roles available in CloudKit Dashboard. There are three default flavors of roles: World, Authenticated, and Creator.
World: Everyone with app access, no CloudKit sign in required (read only)
Authenticated: User of your app signed into iCloud
Creator: The user that created the record, i.e. the same userID populated in the "creatorUserRecordID" field aka 'createdBy' if you're familiar with that term from other technologies
You can also create your own role which presents itself as a checkbox on the "user" record type in the CloudKit Dashboard.
I'm building out an app that will use a 'custom app' distributed to businesses, and then a user facing app on the App Store. These two applications will use the same CloudKit Container and use roles to achieve some read-only sections of the public database, and others that are create/read/write. I have created an "Admin" role very similar to what you are doing above.
So for your scenario, change the default permissions on the Authenticated role and remove the create and write permissions (do this for every record type). Next, create the new role, and assign to the users you want to be able to update. If the user set that need write access is large, you could explore using tokens--though I haven't tried this before.
Please note, if you create new record types, be sure to remember to uncheck the permissions you want to restrict for authenticated and setup your admin role respectively before you deploy your schema to production!
I've have been experiencing the same CKError (10) which is a permission failure--but not one per their documentation. In other words, it is not a security role thing. One attempt was on a completely new container with no defined roles.
"This error typically occurs in the public database in one of these circumstances: You have roles defined for record types.
Your app is trying to accept a share that the current user was not invited to."
Following some archive documentation, I was adding my container to a second app as described in the section "Share Containers Between Apps" here:
This gave me the same error as described above (10/2007)
However, unlike you, creating a new container and using it in ANY of my development/TestFlight apps did not work. Doing so resulted in the same error.
My troubleshooting so far was: Uncheck/Recheck the container identifier in signing + capabilities
Kill Xcode followed by reboot of iPhone + Mac
Remove all mobile device provisioning profiles that Xcode manages
Delete all provisioning profiles on the iPhone using Xcode Devices window
Create new container and attempt to connect in app
Nothing seemed to work. Seems like it is an Apple problem and not me (us)! Glad I found your post before making my own of the same nature.
I filed a Feedback Assistant bug yesterday for this exact error code (10/2007). Please file a Feedback Assistant bug too and feel free to reference my number so they can see it is affecting more than one developer. FB8826569
Blowing away the device support folder for the device in question appears to have resolved my issues. Followed the recommendation from here -