




Comment on share extension not showing up for my existing project
this is brilliant. iOS Deployment Target is the operating system level. if you add a new extension to an old app, it will have a deployment target (OS level) set to the highest that the Xcode version that you are using supports, by default. however, if your test device is at a lower OS level, the extension will not show and you won't see any errors reported. silent fail. this answer fixed it for me.
Sep ’21
Comment on dispatch_async to global much slower in recent Mac Catalyst versions?
hello, thanks for the response! no i dont need drand48() particularly, that is just my go-to on apple platforms. any reasonable uniform random [0.0, 1.0] would work. i saw some other ones in the docs but havent tested them for this thread interference issue. one thing about the random functions that i noticed, they can get slower if they are "truly" random. i just need approximately random.
May ’23