I'm currently running into the same thing. Mine has been stuck for about a week now. Is yours still not showing up either @Arxos?
I'm having this same issue as well. My app clip experience is stuck in the received status after nearly a week. Are there any updates here/anything I can do to move it along?
I'm running into this exact same problem. @Mateososo were you able to make any progress with them on this?
Are there any updates on if there is a way to get this behavior? I think it'd be really useful, especially with the ability in iOS 17 to be able to launch app clips from within another app. You can see in this demo from WWDC https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10178/ that the app clip is launched from within another app, but there's no way to navigate back to that app from the app clip.
It seems like having a back navigation button in the top left corner of the screen that takes you back to the launching app would be consistent with what happens when you have something like launch a url that takes the user into Safari. There's an easy way for the user to get back to the original context. This behavior would be very useful in an app clip context.