




Reply to Extend a Subscription Renewal Date API behavior in sandbox
Thanks for the reply! Now I have a few more questions. Is it possible for you to briefly explain or point me in the right direction how sandbox scaling works in this instance? Is there a way to reset the twice a year limitation in sandbox, like the ability to reset introductory offer eligibility? when I exceed the twice a year limitation and call the API again, is it correct to assume that I will get a 200 response with the body of a previous extension attempt? since from my observation "success" always seems to be true in the body.
Jan ’23
Reply to missing unified_receipt in server notifications
Here is a sample of the notification exhibiting this bug, but like farias said there is no way to know which subscriptions are associated. { "notification_type": "DID_RENEW", "password": "********************************", "environment": "PROD", "auto_renew_product_id": "***", "auto_renew_status": "true", "bid": "***", "bvrs": "***" } We have a batch that calls verifyReceipt to ensure subscription validity so this does not present a huge problem for us but I'm sure we'd all like t see this fixed.
Jul ’21
Reply to Possible to test REFUND server notifications in sandbox?
Also a point of concern: [unified_receipt.Latest_receipt_info] An array that contains the latest 100 in-app purchase transactions of the decoded value in latest_receipt. This array excludes transactions for consumable products your app has marked as finished. I'd assume that refunded transactions for consumable products ARE included in latestreceiptinfo but that sort of contradicts with the above description. And this is why I'd like to be able to test this in sandbox.
Nov ’20