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Many symbols from SF Symbols render incompletely when displayed within Widgets on iOS 16. The issue affects only symbols not rendered in monochrome, and it affects some but not all multicolor symbols. It affects all widget families, including lockscreen widgets. The issue is visible both on devices and simulators. Has anybody observed the same issue? Do you have a workaround? I filed a bug report, but have not received any feedback.
by cp101.
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Each time my app runs SCNTransaction.commit() to perform a more complex SceneKit animation on a simulator running iOS 15, it flushes my console with hundreds of lines containing [SceneKit] Unreachable code: additive without provided normals is not supported This clutter hinders debugging. Nothing visible is broken, but I don't know what it will do on real devices. I assume the line refers to the case additive in enum SCNMorpherCalculationMode. However, none of my model nodes defines a morpher. I can only guess that SCNTransaction creates these deficient morphers somewhere and removes them again before my code regains control. Can anybody tell me how I can get rid of these messages, preferably by repairing their root cause? The animations themselves looks fine. iOS 14 simulators do not dump these messages. I am using Xcode 13.0 RC. My app has been running for many AppStore users for several years.
by cp101.
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How can I access constraints in a storyboard in Xcode 12 interface builder? One of my scenes (containing the cells of a UITableView) in a storyboard created back in Xcode 8 and maintained since does not show me the constraints attached to the views. They are still there, I can see and edit them in the outline view and the size inspector in Xcode 11.6, and I can see their effect in the running app (with a misalignment in iOS 14 that needs to be fixed). I can also still see and access constraints in Xcode 12 in another scene in the same storyboard file, and in other storyboards and xib-files, older and younger. However, the constraints on the UITableViewCell instances are not visible, and thus not editable in Xcode 12. Xcode occasionally issues the warning "An Internal error occurred" when I open this file. When I click on the "Report a Bug" button next to it, it just opens a Finder window pointing to some hidden folder within /private/var/ and hides the warning.
by cp101.
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13 Replies
Our app has been using Game Center for a multi-player game for many years. Invitations among friends worked quite reliably, invitations via iMessage less reliably but sufficiently, auto-match sometimes very well and sometimes not at all. Over the last few days, this has degraded substantially. Auto-match always fails, iMessage most of the time, and invitations among friends much less reliably, so that 2-player games connect after two or three tries, but 4-player games are hard.We do have much more demand from users who have to stay at home because of the pandemic, and I assume other games have as well. Could it be that Apple's Game Center servers are overloaded?What is particularly annoying is that GKMatchmakerViewController emphasizes auto-match and iMessages, and hides well the option to add and invite friends. Is there a way of making it jump directly to the screen to invite friends already connected via Game Center?
by cp101.
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4 Replies
My In-App Purchases on Mac Catalyst in Sandbox mode fail with the folloging pop-up message:Account Not In This StoreYour account is not valid for use in the United States store. You must switch to the Switzerland store before purchasing.[Environment: Sandbox]I ported my iOS app to macOS using Catalyst (not just the checkbox), everything else seems to work now. I set up a macOS app record and corresponding IAP records, available in all countries. They are visible through SKProductRequest.My Apple ID is registered to the Swiss App Store and correctly shows me Swiss prices in the App Store app. In the sandboxed Catalyst app, however, SKProductRequest delivers USD prices and an US price locale instead of the Swiss prices and locale. It then fails with above message when I try to purchase one of them.Questions:1. Does anybody successfully use IAPs on Mac Catalyst with non-US accounts?2. How can I set the sandbox app store country on macOS, to test my IAPs in Catalyst?
by cp101.
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The latest version of AppleGlot (4.0 (v161.6)) was released on March 17, 2017. At installation it warns me about a certifcate that has expired on Octover 24, 2019. Has AppleGlot been discontinued? Can it still be installed safely? What has it been replaced with?
by cp101.
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Basic functionality of my iOS app now runs under Mac Catalyst. I can build and run on my local Mac, and create an archive for upload. When I first tried to validate this archive, the App Store automatically created a Mac certificate for me, and then created a package and signed it. So far so good.Trying to validate or upload the app, however I get an App Store Connect Operation Error: No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier '' is correct.In App Store Connect I cannot add a macOS version to my iOS app as would be logical, so I try to add a New macOS App, as suggested at WWDC 2019. modulo some terminology changes. There I get the error popup: You have no eligible Bundle IDs for macOS apps. Register one here.Trying to register the bundle ID. I get the error message: An attribute in the provided entity has invalid value. An App ID with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string.What is a valid value for the bundle ID for a Mac Catalyst app to register in App Store Connect?Yes, of course I use my real company name and real app name instead of the generics above. I use exactly the bundle name that Xcode created for me when I checked the Mac checkbox in Deployment Info in Xcode.
by cp101.
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Is there a way to switch dark mode on of off from within an UI test?It would be great If something like overrideUserInterfaceStyle as was accessible through XCTest (as it is for UIView and UIViewController). It would be even better of dark mode could be switched dynamically within a test (simulating a user switching it through the control center).
by cp101.
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